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september 2023

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ive been wanting to make something like this for a while (a few weeks, to be more specific) and i suppose i just never got the time to. originally i was gonna make it on google docs but for whatever reason that just seemed wrong to me-- very glad i remembered this website exists instead

(originally i also had a channel dedicated to the same purpose and i still use it though with me moving into my college rez hall i'd just rather type than talk. don't know. i suppose i also like that this is quieter in ... vibes?)

in any case, this is a journal. i appreciate that it's in HTML.

i guess i'll write a bit about myself. my name's mark (i would've named myself marley if i could pull it off, unfortunately i look like a girl and "mark" does a good job of reminding people i'm a guy) and i like to use the computer.

figured this would be a fun thing to do over college so i'd have something to read later and cringe at, i suppose

not majoring in anything yet but i'm thinking about math or physics

another kid here just interviewed me for a project or something and it got me thinking about how much i dislike talking about myself (in person, that is) and how i wish we could just beam information to each other mentally-- got me thinking about how funny it'd be if they invented some sort of telepathic texting system but since everything happens in peoples' minds and we don't always remember the details about everything then forwarding messages or images would eventually deform them beyond comprehension like a psychic game of telephone

just woke up from a nap and had a fairly distressing dream. not sure why but my dreams have been getting worse

i also don't tend to feel too great waking up from naps either

had a moment a few hours ago where i just felt like i didn't have anything to live for. what was that called again? oh yes, depression

oddly enough i was happy as a lark just this morning when i went out to get brunch at carl's jr, thinking about how much i loved life and shit and then i remember i missed a survey and suddenly i'm a worthless piece of shit

i was diagnosed with depression around 5-6 years ago when i was just about to start highschool, and over the last 2 or so years it got severe enough where i pretty much had to be put on meds to survive. the meds ended up working quite well and my life shot up substantially, but just two weeks or so i ran out and still haven't gotten my refill (which definitely sucks). goes without saying but it's no fun being depressed. life would be a lot better (imo) if prozac was an over-the-counter drug, especially since it's honestly not that dangerous

i wish more people would treat depression as what it is-- a disease. it's not as prevalent now (at least from what i observed, but i could very much be wrong) but some time ago i remember there was this whole thing where people would associate depression with wisdom (or like the "deep, philosophical" shit if you get what i mean) and i think a lot of it is definitely misguided. i can sort of get where that association would come from-- i know that depression rates do tend to be higher in gifted children, especially those with special needs (guess who's both)-- and i can definitely understand the glory of accomplishing great things despite things like illnesses holding you back, but the thing is i feel like there is this stigma that depression is inherently philosophical... and to add, it isn't a condition like ADHD where it just makes you work a little differently than others... it is just a straight up disease! there's nothing badass about being sick... you will do so much better when you don't have depression anymore

i've also had this massive fear of relapsing into the state i was earlier before i started taking fluoxetine-- hopefully i can get an appointment booked soon and get back on my medication (yes i admit it, i need drugs to function) i was enjoying life for once!!! biggest worry atm is that i end up losing it and end up killing myself, they honestly need to keep that fucking window on the 7th floor kitchen closed because it is just big enough for-- oh whatever you know what i'm gonna write here

being happy is wonderful and i would like to feel more of it idk

it is way too many dumplings

sick of eating vegetables. call it a salady

just joking i'll never get sick of eating vegetables. my impulse control is so poor that every day i wake up and thank god for making me think salad is so delicious because otherwise i'd get heart disease at the age of 17

speaking of god... i've been thinking about the possibility for a deity figure for a while and while i did self-identify as an atheist for most of my life as of this year i think i'm more of an agnostic-- i'm just not sure if there's a god or not but i'm down to find out. i think i'm leaning more on the side that there IS something out there that could be considered a god... i have no idea who or what it would be but allow me to do a bit of Reductio Ad Absurdum here and just say that the alternative that there is absolutely nothing in all of existence that could be considered deific in comparison to us is a little ridiculous. in that case though whatever god(s) there might be probably don't give much of a shit about us/that or they're somehow too incomprehensible for their existence to really have any bearing on ours. did you know that you can't microwave ants because the ants are too small to be affected by the microwave? yeah that

i guess the biggest issue i have with the popular interpretation of god is that it's way too anthropocentric??? like god did all of this because god loves us... like geez i'm flattered but i don't think we're THAT important??? like we can have an important part of our body just randomly fail for fuck's sake like surely there are more important things in the universe for a god to care about but i've only been on one planet so i wouldn't really know

that being said though i do think there is a lot of moral merit to being religious. for example, my older brother said part of what makes being a christian so appealing to him is that it allows him to come to terms with the fact that he'll never know anything -- like he is fine putting things out of his control and accepting his duty as a human on earth and i think that's pretty damn respectable. i suppose another way you can look at it is that believing in god-- whether or not a god actually exists-- helps someone become a better person? it reminds me of the panopticon: a prison design where the guards have constant surveillance of the prisoners but the prisoners can't look back to see if the guards are watching so they have to act all the time as if they are being watched. there doesn't even need to be any guard present for the prisoners to be on their best behaviour since the prisoners have no idea when or if they're ever not under surveillance-- i sound a lot more critical than i mean to i swear this is all said in appreciation

anyhow yeah no salad is a godsend. it's crunchy... it's healthy... it tastes so good stir fried with olive oil

part of me loves having things to think about other part of me regrets taking that one philosophy course in grade 12 because now i'm left worrying about stupid shit like how many clothes on the ground constitute a pile and why

dude there's olive oil everywhere. anyway remind me to eventually write something pseudointellectual here because i probably am procrastinating on thinking

yeah sure maybe i never had sex but i've thought of a song and have it come up on shuffle all of a sudden so i might as well say i know how sex feels

i'm not a fan of how often introversion tends to be conflated with shyness-- people are always pretty shocked to hear i'm an introvert!

in their defense i suppose i do have a fair bit of stereotypically extroverted qualities (on a good day, that is)-- being the eccentric, outgoing showman i like presenting myself as-- i am not shy in the slightest-- but good lord if it isn't tiring to not have any time to myself!!

the odd thing is that i don't find putting up my public persona to be draining at all; in fact, i'd probably burn out a lot faster if i was forced to "be myself" in front of others. strange! usually you'd expect it to be the other way around, but i suppose the alter ego just distances myself comfortably from others i guess (aside: i know that putting on a different personality in front of others has a fairly negative connotation but trust me i find it pretty damn fun, you do not need to encourage me to be my "true self" whatever that means)

in the first week of my college semester there were constantly social events and around that time i became a bit of a celebrity in my class just due to me being a ridiculous fellow, and it was nice!! it sounds counterintuitive to me being introverted but i enjoyed that sort of attention, probably because it meant i didn't have to a) know anyone personally (gasp) nor b) put in emotional effort in social interactions (yuck!)

i also do like time to myself just to work on my own stuff! i tend not to work well in collaboration with others

despite all the fun i have as a loudmouthed superstar i will have to say i'm not as well adjusted as i come across. i lucked out and got a mini fridge in my dorm room (that's a story for another time, it's not interesting i'm just tired) so as a result i can get all my cooking done there. consequently, i have no real reason to leave my room! i've spent a few days in a row never even touching the doorknob, let alone see any other human face... it's a problem isn't it

speaking of problems... it's about time dir ne tk fk tk bed.... you cab temm ah fuck it it's time for me to go to bed and you can probably already tell

october 2023

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hi there yoyo o7

gonna start giving more specific dates to these btw

depression's been getting a little worse since going off my meds but surprisingly i'm self regulating just fine, i was expecting it to be a lot worse. by no means does it feel good though

been thinking a bit about stuff and remembered the whole time back when i was really into astronomy (despite knowing next-to-nothing about it) and kind of got dissed by a few people for having a "useless interest" since it didn't have anything to do with societal problems today (inequality, war, etc). that was a while ago and my interests have shifted ever since (i still like astronomy though! i'd love to study it if possible, i'm just not sure how feasible it'd be given my lack of any astronomy background) but even still i've been met with the same sort of reactions about me liking STEM in general (which is kinda funny, i always thought arts and humanities were those "stereotypically useless" majors, not to say that they're bad or whatever just observing)

now that i'm in university though (i keep calling it 'college' for some reason) they definitely seem to have this focus on "changing the world" or learning the skills necessary to do so... and here i'm wondering if i should feel a little guilty? i don't think i've ever had this dream of really solving the world's problems or changing it for the better (fontawesome thinking icon) like i know we've all got our goals and values buuut... yeah no i hope this doesn't become an issue or anything, especially with the growing sentiment that the world sucks and needs improving. it's absolutely not that i "don't care" about these issues at all, i just don't feel i want them to be the focus of my work in the future. mom once joked that i was an alien they sent to earth to rebuild it... sorry mom

more-or-less... i think i'm out here learning just for the sake of knowing more, honestly. as of now i'd like to act just as a compiler and distributer of knowledge, collecting information and storing it for later. for what? i don't know. i suppose it's a somewhat noble cause..? i'd also like to, y'know, share stuff around (hence this webpage, i suppose); some time ago i wanted to be a high-school teacher or a college professor, preferably the latter, though now i'd say i'd be cool with any sort of occupation that involves this "distribution of thought", be it through education, creative media, or hell even starting a goddamn podcast (to be fair, this webpage is pretty much my personal text-based podcast anyway). of course, part of my motivation for that is so i could help a lot of other people go on their journeys to change the world, since i don't feel like doing the dirty work myself :)

i remember the first time i went "damn, what if i just knew a lot of things" was when i heard this quote in science class-- forgot who said it but it went like, "you are the universe experiencing itself". i was like twelve at the time and to twelve-year-old mark, there was nothing cooler than being granted some sort of grand task of vaguely cosmic importance. naturally, i was thinking "hell yeah, i'm going to go out and experience so much so i can fulfill my purpose". i'm not really doing this to follow some sort of celestial destiny anymore, but the drive's still there. i'm a collector; i like amassing all sorts of stuff. sure does help that i've got a fairly wide range of interests (though as mentioned above, most of them do fall under the "useless" side of things).

i'm mostly a STEM fellow, but i've taken a liking to philosophy. more on that in a bit.

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my head hurts, i'm nauseated and i'm ready to kill myself. i have no clue why i'm still here.

the school therapist isn't available until next week so i can't reschedule a meeting to be sooner-- sure sucks, doesn't it. i want to hold out until it feels better but i'm pretty fucking tired. i know it'll pass and eventually get better as a whole but right now i just want to vomit, go to bed, and never wake up.

god no, i hate myself.

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so the reason behind last night's outburst was some extremely awful news i received-- fortunately, i've been getting updates and it seems like the situation's been improving. obviously i'm still a little teary about it but it's definitely getting better, which in turn makes me feel a lot better as well.

it's just unimaginably stressful to have something horrible happen and not being able to do anything about it. in any case, i'm feeling better and certainly stable enough to proceed.

i'm going to be going over this with my therapist.

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there's some pleasant jazz music emanating from outside my room. anyway my dinner tonight looks disgusting lol i woke up too late to make a proper one

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no i dont want to talk about it actually

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bought a new MP3 player and the audio quality sucks and i'm not sure whether to be pissed about it or be glad its adding to the vaporwave experience

anyhow how is vaporwave simultaneously both such a diverse and repetitive genre like you have easy listening muzak with a little filter over it in the same category as incomprehensible chaotic noise but also i would like 1 weather channel jazz sample please


its that time of the year where i cycle back to my absolute earthbound obsession but this time im also thinking about all those quirky earthbound inspired rpgs as well (that i cant play because my dumbass owns a mac). like theres the good ones like yume nikki and omori and then theres pretentious insufferable dumpsters like yiik a postmodern rpg

anyway my favourite character is rory because both he and his sister kill themselves and the game handles it absolutely atrociously (and also because he's cute and i'd kiss him). also everything about this game is actually so bad


i also recently learned that the "this generation was the first to be raised online" pic that became a meme was traced from mother 3 fanart and im in shambles

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to those "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" motherfuckers: i cast upon you an infinite spell of silence... no more shall such foolish words escape your maw

anyway i called a hotline for the first time like ever and it was legitimately refreshing to hear an actual human on the other end ! like no the advice wasn't all that helpful and yes i still do want to kill myself but it's not like every other time i tried to reach out only to be met with the most ikea ass responses ever :) i mean yes i know they kind of have to say all that since you don't want to accidentally say the wrong thing and send someone over the edge but like holy shit i'd rather talk to an algorithm at this point there would legitimately be no difference! "you are special don't kill yourself" special my ass you've copy pasted this response to about like three dozen people in the past five hours it's all washed-out platitudes most of the time so it was nice finally hearing a dude that sounded just as lost as i did for once

but no i'm not okay and no i don't want to talk about it with you

also i'll just be real and say that i don't really give a shit that it gets better! i've been there i know it does i just don't think i deserve being alive :)) if you ask about it i will leave without any explanation

it is not personal or anything and it's not because i hate people or whatever it's just that most people are really bad at consoling (again, simply a fact of life-- depression's notoriously hard to deal since you either give out super canned replies or risk making things worse) so i wouldn't get much out of it, not to mention that venting to someone personally about this stuff is really burdening on both myself and the recipient and i'd just rather... not

also i find it pretty funny how strong the human aversion to being proven wrong is. like you will tell me "no actually i think you do not deserve to die" and i will still try and argue against it

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1 week until halloween !!! can you believe it!!

find it funny how almost every single one of those "hustle class" advertisements criticizes society and calls them sheep by doing mundane activities like shopping or going to the club or eating at a restaurant... and then they show you "this is what you become if you take our classes!!! revolutionary!!!!" and it's literally just dudes doing the same fucking thing with expensive stuff.... like consuming Poor People Product is lame... take our revolutionary class so you can consume Rich Person Product instead!!!!! like yes being rich is undoubtedly nice because without monetary concerns you can start doing what matters to you like pursuing a hobby, developing skills, or helping people out.... nah fuck all that let's just shove some meaningless hedonism in their face but make it expensive yeah that'll show those thoughtless broke sheep. like i'm not going to stop you if you want to pursue a materialistic life but claiming to have reinvented the wheel by defining yourself by what pricey brands you have in your life is just pathetic imo. you didn't break out of the cage, you just found yourself a shinier one to dwell in

in general the entire culture of considering yourself superior by grading yourself by the shallowest metrics possible is just ridiculous how did this ever catch on. again nothing wrong with being rich i would love to have lots of money and have fun with it but holy shit it's okay! you can go to the mirror and tell yourself you're worthy of love and respect you don't need a multimillion dollar corporation to do it for you

anyway you can sign up for my Marley University for only $80 USD per unit of regurgitated information that i vaguely remember from when i took AP microeconomics

had a delicious meal. mmmm.... satisfactione

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is it normal to be lonely but hate talking to people (it absolutely is but i couldn't think of a better opening line)

idk just wanted to drop by and say that hanging out with people you don't vibe with is just as bad (if not worse) than not having anyone to hang out with. i definitely don't feel like this is the case for everyone but personally it is super draining to be dragged into a conversation that... you just don't find all that interesting! it's fine if the topic is really silly so i can just go idiot mode and not expend much of my energy but other times i'd really just not like to be bothered unless it's something (i think) is worth bothering me over. not to diss anyone's interests or preferred topics of conversation since you could replace the lists of stuff that i am / am not interested in and it'd still work out the same

in any case i feel like i have to put on a persona to get by (a fairly extreme one at that) if i don't want to permanently just sit alone. don't get me wrong i really don't mind either (i consider myself the performer type idk) i just find it kind of sad? like in conversations if i'm not acting extremely ridiculous and boisterous i simply just am not seen! (you got two options....) i am never anything other than the comic relief... i am merely a two-dimensional character meant to drop funny one liners... my worth as a person and how funny my jokes are have a fucking one-to-one correlation i'm so sick of it holy fuck. you all say you like a funny guy until you actually have to treat him like he has thoughts and aspirations

i like having a sense of humour. i just wish it didn't come at the cost of my identity.

also i've got a doctor's appointment at like 1pm today. they're FORCING ME to TALK TO PEOPLE??? what has this world come to, society has fallen (i joke but i don't get why i can't just pick up the prozac myself! why do i have to get prescribed again! i got the prescription this summer in canada not a few eons ago at a young earth's local semi-cooled solid ground formation)

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i have been recently informed that apparently people are reading this dumbass blog. i have put this ad here. if you don't want to see ads, please consider coming to room 714 (turk st res hall) to give a generous donation. money only. your support helps keep journalism alive


anyway im back on my meds

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didn't do much for halloween other than put on a bunny suit and my signature ridiculous-looking aviators. school didn't organize anything but a few people went out for all sorts of festivities-- i've been harassed a few times too much to really want to leave the building at nighttime, but i still wanted to celebrate with someone-- didn't end up finding anyone. oh well. didn't do anything special other than open up a bottle of cherry coke but i still enjoyed my time alone. happy halloween, man. you've earned that bottle.

november 2023

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sometimes i start forgetting that i live in a communal building and that the outside world/other people exist and it's always a weird experience when i remember it again

in any case i'm in that weird transitional period in taking my meds that i'm still thinking like a depressed person but not really feeling depressed. it sure is an experience. anyway i'm back to listening to my loser music and i'm remembering some of the stuff i was thinking about back when the depression was really bad:

i remember talking to some girls near the end of my high school 12th grade year, y'know, the "popular" types, they were nice to me and all that and we just kind of talked about what we were up to lately, they mentioned all sorts of fun shit while i was stuck at home doing academics/being depressed. asked them what they were doing post graduation and they all got into pretty decent colleges. i know the difference between "decent college" and one i think is really suitable for me (and i do like my current school quite a lot) is a pretty big one (or at least my mother says...) but yeah it really left me wondering if what i was doing was really worth it

yknow back then it just felt really unfair that i was putting in a disproportionately large amount of time and effort for something others could achieve a passable result with by having fun and NOT ending up with severe life-threatening depression... i mean though. i felt like i never really had much of a life or a childhood just because of how much emphasis i placed on being "the one" i guess... appeasing people. if that makes any sense. i feel i didn't have the same experiences other kids had that guided their character or growth or ambition or whatever. you are what you eat is true in this case and i eat plain-ass oatmeal

so i guess the larger thing i wanted to get at is that i felt like (and honestly still do feel?) that the whole focus parents (especially those of gifted children) put on their kids to stand out is honestly pointless. there's a lot of disdain put towards normal, common people (and wanting to be one of those people too, i suppose) that i just don't think i'll be able to get my head around. like, the thought that you have to be of consequence to be worthwhile i suppose is harmful and untrue. not to mention that, ironically, their vision of what "stands out" always feels so monolithic and shallow... i don't know if i'm being pessimistic or optimistic here

sometimes i wonder if those "losers" engaging in egregiously hedonistic activities (of course, not talking about anyone in particular here) are really the ones who have it all figured out... live fast. die young. never have a dull moment in life. get out of here before they put us all in pods and make us eat bugs. if they do manage to survive i bet they'd have a hell of a story to tell every day. "so anyway the time i did coke lines off my cousin's asscrack and got his hairs stuck up my nose for days..." i don't see myself doing anything like that but i mean i respect it. have all the fun in the world and then die while you still can... who gives a shit what others think? do it

i had this career development workshop activity where i had to "design" my own future. someone said they were going to colonize mars. i said i'd help out around the house.

i'm sick as hell and i've been lying in bed the whole day and i think it's been fucking with my thinking. whatever. in any case i don't know what i'm really here for but the suicide hotline guy said that i didn't have to justify my existence so i guess there's that

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was it weird i listened to "was it weird i listened to "i'm god" by clams casino when i lost my virginity" by sewerslvt when i was not losing my virginity. but yeah i can do another decade of not having sex if it means i get to cast cool wizard spells (how the fuck did that whole wizard thing start anyway some motherfucker really typed that up and said "yeah sounds plausible")

anyway's i'm dying. feeling happier but somehow the depression's getting worse

you're fucking kidding me. i go through that point in life where i'm the most emotionally disturbed (yet) and overall in severe distress and i'm listening to my old playlists and you're telling me i feel NOSTALGIC FOR THOSE TIMES? this is unreal. oh yeah "remember that time you wanted to kill yourself over dumb shit like getting a crappy chemistry quiz score" or "the time you did nothing for like 3 hours because you were too depressed to get up" be fucking for real. i joked about it when i still did these little diary entries in a video format that i was really going through a shitty time but because the human brain is the human brain i'd end up looking back on it with fond memories... ugh it's happening.... i guess it wasn't ALL bad...

i do feel more nostalgic for a much better time in my life though! :) namely the summer where i started my prozac! it felt great to finally be able to experience joy like a normal person. biking with my family was so much fun... i'm still in a bit of a depressive slump right now, hope the prozac starts kicking in soon but not going to lie i definitely think getting regular exercise was a big part of why i was feeling so good, but of course biking isn't feasible here (i don't have a bike anymore) so i'll have to find something equally fun to do

i wonder how people measure improvement? like in some aspects i feel i've definitely gotten better, like maybe 3 months ago a life where i was weaned off of my family was completely unimaginable and now i'm here chilling cooking for myself doing my own laundry (i was a little spoiled, perhaps) like it's no big fucking deal. hygiene wise i'm more-or-less the same, messy as fuck but not dirty. managing homework just fine although i am disappointed in myself and feel i can do better (as i always am, let's be real). made some good friends! haven't really been feeling my own progress though for whatever reason, at least not to the same extent as i felt the difference between me pre-prozac and post. i've been off of it for like 2 months before starting again (it was because i ran out) though so i'd imagine it hasn't taken effect yet. it needs to work right the fuck now oh my god

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did the math and i consume approximately 990.19 cubic centimetres of oatmeal for breakfast daily

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got off a call with my mom. apparently i'm not eating enough because i've been losing weight despite sitting on my ass daily not doing anything. anyway i ordered another shaqaroni

yeahhhh this is the life


im so cold

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can't help but think that "quirky and relatable" is an oxymoron because like. quirky things are different and unusual and relatable things are, well, relatable, but for some reason i feel like those words are just meant to be together

anyway it still baffles me that people find this website interesting? like i'd call you a loser for reading it but i don't know if i'm just in the wrong here. i know negativity draws in people like shit attracts flies, but that's for the juicy gossip sort of shit i think, not shit an asocial nerd mumbles to himself on the internet (not to mention that this website's design is super fucking ugly)... if i were anyone else reading this i'd just think "wow this shit's so boring who's it for?" and that was my mindset starting this site anyway like nobody's going to be reading it anyway just write for yourself. dunno. i, for one, am rarely ever interested in other people, but you know what i think? i think it's time for a nap

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so i have a habit of facing away from the door or towards the corners when i ride elevators. it's freaked a few people out. i'll tell you why i do it:

when i was in 4th grade or so i read a book that said if you started facing the corners in elevator rides, eventually other people would start doing the same. so i'd do it every time i got into an elevator because i thought it would be funny. it never worked -- not once. i still kept doing it and what do you know it became a habit for me

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sometimes your plan to go to bed at 9 and wake up at 6 just fails. 饿了

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the streets are alive with the sound of douchebags

(i'm not happy about being woken up at 3 am)

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hey guys i guess it's been a while huh (5 days)

you ever get so nihilistic it warps back and makes you a happier person? i have a fond-ish memory of writing an essay about how i learned to give not much of a shit and the person reviewing it criticized it for being too negative i thought it was a good thing but oh well

what i mean to say is that if things are awful and meaningless why do anything but accept that they are awful and meaningless and try and have fun with it despite it all like. i sort of reflected on this idea in my novel (don't read it though it sucks) but if i were to make a shitty analogy (that i also used in the novel) if you were trapped in a town where it rained every day with absolutely no way out of the town why would you start wishing for sunny days when you can just learn to live with the rain instead like if that makes any sense?????

rain's a random thing to compare it to but i was thinking like. i'm pretty sure humanity is unimportant in the grand scheme of the universe and we may go completely extinct as a species and become nothing but dust yadda yadda like i honestly do not give a shit what am i expected to do about it????? exist harder?? no, i will simply accept my fate as a mere pinprick of something that once was, i will not try and change it because i cannot! it isn't the ideal outcome but like what else is there to do but to be happy with it. i go very gentle into that good night actually, i got my blankets and plushes on the fucking ready for a nice rest

i don't wanna come across as completely unambitious or anything more or less what i mean is like... "your life is meaningless you will be forgotten in time" lol i know but i exist right now and what are you gonna do about it huh. i dont believe in the "indominable human spirit" or whatever the fuck either i just believe in chilling the fuck out

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hm. been thinking about something (rare occurrence, I know)

i feel like the good thing about going your path is that you don't get any competition. like for example. i wore a goofy ass maid dress to highschool prom since i knew i wouldn't be as good-looking as the other people if i wore the typical prom stuff so i might as well do something else, i guess? it's a silly example to bring up especially as it's so inconsequential but i guess it illustrates the idea

more generally i guess part of my decision-making is just to avoid conformity as if i were to be compared to others by a typical metric i know i would never go far. like. there is someone beating me at like pretty much everything. but there is nobody beating me at being myself because i am by definition the golden standard. if that makes sense? i know it sounds self absorbed AF but like think of it this way... yeah it's self absorbed af

if what was trending in literature was romance for example and i a) didn't want to write and b) was really fucking shit at writing romance then like. why would i write it when id get outshined by everyone else anyway. why not just write what i want. i guess that's a better way of putting it???

on one hand i feel this way but on the other i'm trying to balance it with my idea that being a contrarian for the sole purpose of being different is cringe (awful word but it was the first one that came to mind...) like that just feels disingenous and idk feels superficial? because in a way you are letting what other people think and do dictate your actions as well like if you think about it. idk. i know nothing. i made a motto that i like that goes like "don't try to be different just try to be good" and idk am i contradicting myself here or not. who knows

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categorizing things is fun but tiring (thinking about all those vaporwave subgenres there's like a million of them in an already niche music genre)

anyway i guess some time ago i was thinking about "aesthetics" and shit (i know it's an internet phenomenon but i suppose i can see its merit as a concept; i guess the word "aesthetic" can mean "a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement" which i copy pasted from google lmfao) and... it got me thinking. on one hand having words (or in this case, i guess labels) that mean a certain thing could be helpful in bringing out more ideas ? the way i put it was very weird but i mean like the way 1984's society tried to cut down on the english language to limit the citizens' thought? it's nice to know what's what i guess

on the other hand i can see how it is ... y'know. limiting. which yeah i think contradicts the first hand a little.. as in people may try and modify their art in order to "fit" in a certain aesthetic. i suppose like. is it descriptive or prescriptive ? i guess a better way of asking it is is this whole concept of an "aesthetic" helpful in giving artists a new lens to consider their work and audiences to understand it better or does it just result in an overall commodification and homogenization of artwork within a certain aesthetic or what i don't know. it's my bedtime (9:30 pm) i'm really tired that didn't come out right either

writing is thinking (my eng prof says)

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had a dream where posting the phrase "cum produced per year" with a completely unrelated image was the peak of comedy. if i truly am to change the world then humour is doomed

i want to laugh! i want to cry!

december 2023

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been a whole year since my first rabbit passed away. i still miss him.

anyway as i was showering i was thinking about art and shit and wanted to write it down but right as i got out i realized i was too tired for this dumb pretentious fuckery (i still wanna write something anyway though it's just a bit too late for me) so if you're reading this, remind me (update dec 17 i wrote it)

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it's been a minute hello

was kinda absent and forgot to update this website since i flew back home for the holidays. crazy how much can change in the household in just 3 months... for example, we are now using white bowls instead of green ones

anyway my mom told me i fell from heaven and hit my head several times along the way but she talks a lot of shit for someone who sounds like she's farting when she snores

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its birthday tomorrow and i am dreading it. i want to go to the hospital.... i want to spend the rest of my life hooked up to tubes and wires. i no longer wish to be human

it's the last hour of my childhood (11pm as i am writing this) so i figured i would get my last childish thought out before i am instantly replaced by a machine that only talks about mortgage and taxes: yes, the art thing

the reason i have never considered myself a musician or visual artist so much as i consider myself a writer is that i feel like my compositions and drawings lack any sort of merit to them. like up until like maybe november 26 or so i only ever drew or composed because i wanted to produce something that sounded or looked pretty or cute. nothing is really deliberate i just do whatever comes to mind because i'm honestly not that talented and i'm starved for inspiration... i thought itd be unfair to consider it "art" since i never had anything to say with it (which is also why i get really pissed when people say 'wow you're such a good artist/musician' like not to be that guy (but totally to be that guy) you are only saying that because you know nothing about art!!!!!!!!!!)... whereas when i write i do like nothing but talk, so

i was talking with my therapist about this the other day and she brought up some concept of art as product vs art as process.... i like her way of thinking about it but like ugh i am totally just watering astroturf here; millions of philosophers have asked "what is art" and have gotten nowhere why would i bring anything new to the table. i just wanted to rant about it i guess

something i wanted to bring up is that with the invention of generative ai technology we'd probably see another side of that debate?? aristotle definitely did not know what dall-e was lol... i used to be really scared of the idea of being "replaced" but i figured itd replace human art just as much as cars would replace bikes. like yeah i feel human creation would become obsolete in the realm of commercial use but it would be kept alive as an activity, either for fun or for... i don't know mental stimulation or whatever. yes it is definitely going to put a lot of people out of jobs but i do not think it will kill art. though this does raise some questions

ai art (i know some people don't consider it art/i'm not sure if it counts either but i'll just use that term for the sake of clarity) certainly is art as product... there is kind of no way around that (and no reason for it to ever be art as process either; that undermines the whole point of generative algorithms in the first place) i do fear this will lead to some sort of accelerated commercialization of creative media where literally everything will become a soulless cashgrab (though i think people can argue that it's already like this right now) but when i told mom about it she raised a pretty good point: if all the soulless shit is made by ai now that means that human people are free to just make shit thats true to them without any regards to whether it'll sell or not because they no longer need to give a damn and a half. not a fan of mom's techbro attitude sometimes but that is genuinely a really good point

one point of concern: we run a hostel; we once had an old couple come in and they didn't know how to use a phone GPS so they got around town with a paper map instead which was completely unthinkable to us; we don't need to learn that skill since we've got an easier alternative. should ai stuff really become the norm i wonder what kind of skills we'll lose, but more importantly what kind of skills we'll gain?

anyway i used to lean really heavily into the "art as product" thing since i commercialized my own works a lot (sold commissions and shit) so i'd become pretty distressed if i couldn't draw up to standard... then i decided "fuck that" and now i draw really shitty drawings but at least they've got some emotion behind them that isn't "i want money"; coincidentally i also have paid less attention to stuff like anatomy, shading, detail and stuff and more on symbolism, composition, and atmosphere (i know those aren't mutually exclusive, but i just wanted to note that back then it was entirely the other way around) now the question is: is this improvement or no. though i feel like less of an artist every day and more like just a dude who happens to draw

my winrate on hwei (league of legends) is also fucking 15% so who am i kidding

also this is still art-related but it is a different topic so i'll make a break here

personally. i do not think emotions should be considered "beautiful".,,,,, anime stuff does this a lot i think. like whats pretty about a girl having a mental breakdown or what like why are you drawing her like this,,,,,,,, i know people will disagree with me but it's just not how i'd portray it personally (but what do i know !!!! if you think that works for you then it works i just wanted to share my pov)

i know that beauty (in the conventional sense) can be used ironically to add to the message but if something's meant to be raw then make it feel raw, i think; numbness or a lack of obvious emotion could also be quite powerful, i think

anyway yea what am i saying but in a nutshell if something's meant to be messy then making it polished undercuts the meaning unless it's a deliberate choice. dunno but i think more things should be deliberately ugly, especially things that are just kind of ugly by nature though i guess you can debate with me on whether that applies to anything at all

also if i hear "art/beauty is subjective" one more time i will lose a few hours of my lifespan; i don't even disagree with the statement i've just heard it so many times like oh my god holy shit just give me a new opinion please. though i'm a bit of a hypocrite since if you asked me what i think art is i don't think i'd give you a clear answer, though the closest i ever got to answering that for myself was when i said "well if i could just tell you what i was thinking i wouldn't have to write or draw about it". conversational communication tends to be direct and literal, i think, and there is a lot of stuff you can convey through the process of realizing what a painting or story means that just isn't as effective if it were explained upfront, i believe. ps: i feel like a douchebag every time i talk about art

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ah! turn 18! on the 18th! how charming

i was thinking about releasing an album that contained all the compositions i wrote before i was 18 and titling it "music that a child wrote" but that would mean having to record good versions of each song so it may take me a while. i do really wanna do it, though

for my birthday i got lost at a costco

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a really funny thought i had is that the advent of ai generated art would mean human artists would start calling their pieces "organic" or some shit

like mom i know i paid half this week's paycheck for a drawing of a massive squirrel vacuuming cars through its penis but it was organic

im going to write something deep tomorrow mark my fucking words but tonight i'm too busy having a laugh

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for some reason i've been fantasizing about joining the military... will probably do air force or navy; seems more impersonal to shoot down a plane/sink a ship compared to like. firing at someone outside of a vehicle. even though it does the same thing functionally... i am a coward

in any case i don't know i just feel pretty stupid about being depressed. i have it a lot easier than a lot of other people on the account that i've got a supportive family, a college i like, friends hobbies etc... so i kind of feel like i have no reason to be depressed? like why am i not okay? i should be... so like what if i purposefully made myself suffer so my moodiness wouldn't be this unfounded idk? it's a shallow and somewhat romantacized view of the situation i know but like i really just want to assign some meaning to it

i know it's pretty out of character for me to want to give myself up for a greater cause but sometimes i just don't feel like i am "enough" as a person myself... i am a softie who hates violence though so let's see how long that fantasy lasts OTL

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discord's removing the ability to host files on it so this may be the end of the songs/images i like pages... not that i posted much on them anyway; collections/library sort of played a similar role

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coughign blood

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my rabbit turns 6!!! anyway rabbits are proof god exists but rabbits being skittish prey animals is proof god doesn't love us

i just think the world would be a better place if the little guys were apex predators

something's confusing me a little? i am not knowledged though so feel free to let me know what i'm missing, but it feels strange that we don't know whether any odd weird numbers exist... math feels like the most theoretical shit ever so like. is it not possible to prove that it can/can't exist through number theory or something? i do know nothing though so maybe i'll update you on this when i learn more. it could also be that theoretically they could exist but we haven't found one yet. hmm...

january 2024

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i wanna write something cool here but it's been a while since i trimmed my nails so typing is honestly really fucking annoying

there's a lot of bandcamp tabs open on my computer for little to no reason

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so i'm starting to think that i may be happier if i didn't identify with my depression as much as i did. hm. just wondering if it's becoming a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy... i know that's not how it really works because depression is a disease like the flu or whatever that you can't just will yourself out of, but i'm thinking it may help if i try not to think about it as much?? (thinking about being depressed doesn't make me very happy anyway) just a thought i'll update you on how that goes

thinking back to that one time my mom told me nobody in her poor chinese village was depressed (shoutout to all the parents that grew up in poor chinese villages because it seems like that's everyone's backstory) because every day you had to work your ass off in the fields until you were sweating up a monsoon otherwise you'd starve to death... i don't want to conflate correlation with causation but i do have some thoughts:

these are just guesses so i'm not sure about any of them. i do remember some ancient greek philosopher saying that you would achieve happiness by just pursuing the basic needs as well as companionship, and that going after big stuff leads to unhappiness.... western media does tend to glorify stuff like power, wealth, and fame so i can see that though i don't have the evidence to make any claims

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fulfilling my daily sodium intake with my instant noodle addiction

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chocolate is good for the soul

i get harassed on the streets quite often and i have devised a motto to help myself resist taking psychic damage: "nothing can hurt me because nothing is real"

think of it this way: i can close my eyes (or ears) and pretend this person just never said anything. their words mean nothing to me. it does not affect my life whatsoever. they might as well have said nothing at all. if you think about it hard enough the only thing that you can be sure exists is your mind so for all intents and purposes you can just delete this person out of your perception if you feel it is necessary

disclaimer: this method is not foolproof. disclaimer 2: this method will not work if things start getting physical

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i've started to befriend the little mice in my room. i find they make a good point of conversation

i once mentioned that ants were not microwaveable but i never elaborated on what that means. i had a chat about it with a friend so i figured i'd talk about it here too

when you put ants in a microwave, they will not be affected because the waves are too big and the ants are too small. it just won't hit the ants. in other words, the presence of the microwaves does not affect the ants whatsoever (i know it might have other effects but for my analogy just assume it's that simple ok). whether the microwaves are present does not make any difference to them. i feel the same way about a lot of things in life

it sounds nihilistic (i think because it is) and i've talked about my nihilism before but yeah pretty much: if something does not affect me i can pretend it does not exist

it comes across as extremely ignorant and self-centred but i don't mean it in a way that "i don't care about anyone but myself", because i do care about a lot of people; i'd count things that have interactions with my values to be things that affect me as well (eg. someone facing injustice somewhere goes against my ideal of fairness, therefore it does affect me). bringing back the ant-nalogy: if a bunch of ants were in a microwave and suddenly a fight between two ants breaks out, the other ants would pay attention to it because it is perceptible to them and introduces a real idea of danger and harm

to illustrate a situation where i WOULD go "ok idc"... free will. i don't believe in it but its presence/absence does not scare me at all. why should it? if the universe is deterministic, i'd either have no way of knowing, or if i did have a way of knowing, i'd still act according to what i think is the right thing to do. i'd have lived my whole life in a deterministic world; knowing about it wouldn't change anything i'd keep on trucking the way i am

my gender identity's also somewhat related to this idea and i'd like to explain more about why i don't believe in free will but i've got class in like 10 minutes so i gotta get my nap in gotta run cya

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today i learned that the lamp on my desk that i've been neglecting is actually really fucking cool and i'm mad at myself for not using it earlier

look at my aesthetic dinner


so a strategy i came up with while trying to get the best deal on anime figurines on ebay auctions (may not work well if you don't like participating in random-ass internet auctions for used anime figurines with low starting prices): find the thing's market value and place your max bid + the shipping fee as 70% of that market value (the percentage can go up or down depending on how much you care about the product's condition; personally i like buying second-hand because i like feeling like i'm giving stuff a second wind because i feel bad for the things, but keep in mind there is rarely any point to setting the percentage above 90% since it won't be much of a deal anymore)

the way ebay does it is that you can set the maximum bid you want to put and you'll put down a reasonable bid from what it's currently at, and if people try to outbid you it'll bid automatically for you until it reaches the value you set. this way you guarantee yourself a win-win situation, pretty much: if you win the bid you get the item at a good price, if you don't win then you can amuse yourself with the info that someone is ripping themselves off (or not if you're a nice person or if your percentage was just really low)

i find bidding stressful af but i do love me a good deal so this is the way to do it. best part about it is that you don't have to worry about it or keep an eye on the bid because either way, the outcome will be favourable

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so apparently you're supposed to wash your bedsheets every so often

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try an authentic marley-styled dish today. rich in culture and various starches

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so in the past few days i've come to realize how simple life really is. i'm in some dinky ass college dorm with a mini fridge and $20 electric cooker and i feel like i can live the rest of my life like this (i did some guesstimation; the room is about 2.5 marleys long and one marley is 160cm; total of approximately 16 square metres). not counting bills, just need 500 bucks a month for food and shit like anime figurines and i am a perfectly happy man. have fantasized for a long time about having a big luxury house all to myself but come to think of it i don't think that's even necessary

went home for the holidays and i don't think any extra joy was caused by the improved living conditions (housing and food) but rather stuff like getting to pet my animals and hug my mom (though to be fair, it is hard to have animals or moms in a tiny apartment). weird thing to say but right now i feel quite at home where i am right now. i think this epicurus guy got it all right bro like i think i'll try to convince all my friends and family to be floor-mates with me in some cheap apartment and we can all be happy together. now the hard part is finding housing for a reasonable price and a job that won't make me want to send god my two weeks notice in life

anyway i went to the exploratorium and i got some cool rocks

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took an embarassingly long time for me to realize that i didn't have to suffer through having no data or phone number, and i could actually renew my plan in like 5 minutes. whatever it is man just do it right now

february 2024

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i really didn't want to eat today but reluctantly did so anyway

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bandcamp artists and the random-ass shit they tag their releases with

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noticed artwise im regressing to mass-producing things that kinda look pretty but dont have much personal value. someone stop me before i turn into a shittier version of bing ai

nothing wrong with it if you draw just to make things that look good tho like no shame at all but personally i feel miserable doing it but its easier than coming up with ideas so

coming out of my shell to tell you that today i watched an online music show and actually had a great time

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oh mama it's been a while. so

i've noticeably been getting worse as of late - i'll spare you the details but it was bad enough that i'd consider my state dangerous to be in. about that one thought experiment (????) in january - i did end up feeling much better and more like a person when i characterized my depression as a disease instead of a part of me, but sometimes you can do everything right and still end up feeling like shit because luck hit you with the wrong stick, i guess. i've been trying to tell myself that there's no real reason for me to be mopey and gloomy and suicidal and shitty all the time because if there was then it wouldn't be called depression it'd just be called being sad. the world is just stupid like that. it's been helping (sort of) but it's still there - it's not exactly ignorable if it's coming from your head

at the very least i'm not feeling violent? like when i think "i don't want to live" i mean more like "i'm so tired of everything so i will just lie in bed and do nothing all day" instead of "i'm going to jump out the window" or something like that. but i mean if i haven't left my room or eaten properly in a long time then................... um. yeah. i showered tonight though and it was nice

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beauty standards are such a weird concept to me... or at least features necessarily considered "attractive"???? i mean. it implies that there is one "most beautiful" person and your beauty depends on how much you look like that hypothetical person. that's weird as fuck. it's like saying slaughterhouse five is the platonic form of a book and how good a book is depends on how much it resembles s5. don't get me wrong, i fucking LOVE s5 and it's just objectively a great book but there are plenty of books that read NOTHING like s5 but are still. y'know. considered objectively good books. or whatever

what i'm trying to say is that it's more of a .......... gestalt thing?? like how the whole thing comes together?? like for example. a certain narrative style might work very well for one story but be a terrible choice for another. like seriously it just seems so stupid like there's so many different kinds of good books and there's so many different kinds of good looking people and having one of them be the "gold standard" is WEIRD

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whats good crew im currently listening to boards of canada and eating carrots right out of the bag

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my bathtub faucets kinda shitty so it made a cool beat with the dripping water/clicking sounds that sounded a bit like a 2-3 polyrhythm but not really and i'm wondering if i can compose a song out of that

march 2024

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hi sorry ive been quiet ive been busy wanting to kms

anyway. was hearing my classmates sing pop music outside my dorm... decided "oh god i need my selected ambient works 85-92 i cant take it anymore" and at that moment i felt like the most pretentious no-life ass loser ever and, oh god because that's what i am,

also i usually just power through and turn in barebones work for my assignments and shit because i'm tired but for this one art analysis assignment i went all out,,,, could've BSed through the whole thing but i took 4 extra days to make sure it was great and if i don't get a good grade i will actually be a little sad

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"music listeners today are such sheep," he thought to himself as he overheard people who have friends listen to pop music, "nobody appreciates real art anymore. they just follow what's popular and never try to find anything of their own." his internet cuts out, the rateyourmusic page on some album doesn't load, he freaks out because he doesn't know if he's allowed to listen the album until he sees those ratings (this post is about me)

i keep calling the calculator the "clackalator" in my head and i want it to stop so so badly

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it's getting really. really bad. find no joy in almost anything anymore. talking to my friends and gaming with them is nice but that's about all + prefer hanging out with family over friends and my siblings are busy so

also this is league of legends related but. switching from playing an actual champ to playing yuumi is like those dads who used to play baseball when they were young but now only watch and sometimes play casually to bond with their kid

date night idea: we go through bandcamp name your price albums with only like 2 supporters and see which ones are worthy to be downloaded

i feel less like myself every day

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most scientific papers would be so much better at conveying information if they hired graphic designers to work on them. stop making the grpahs so fucking ugly. give them little hearts or bows or something. make them nice to look at

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my rabbit really likes watching my family use the washroom

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"you're all thoughtless sheep," he uttered to himself after looking through his friends' spotify activity. "my taste in music is better than all of yours. unlike you, i don't let 'popular' bullshit define me. i don't even use spotify half the time." he grumbled, opening up a tab of rateyourmusic. his favourite album got a score lower than 3.5, he was devastated, his night was ruined

(this is about me)

update i realized i made the exact same joke like a few days ago and just forgot i already made it. this is embarassing

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really stupid question but what is the least round shape? is length inversely correlated with rotundity? i will find out right now

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congrats suicidal person! we care about you. this is why we've provided the following resources for you to seek help:

  1. talk to a total stranger through the phone
  2. talk to a total stranger but THROUGH TEXT!
  3. get berated by your family for being lazy and stupid
  4. get berated by people on the internet for being lazy and stupid
  5. pay like 50 dollars a month for some pills (may not work)
  6. pay like 150 dollars a month to learn how to live laugh love
  7. wait in the hospital for 10 hours just sitting there

such options

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i'm a huge fan of how ergonomic this bottle is

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leafblowers seem inefficient. why blow the leaves? they're just gonna go somewhere else. i propose a leafsucker instead. like a vacuum, but designed to only be strong enough to suck up leaves. sounds like a much better way to remove dead leaves and you can even keep them in the compartment if you find them necessary

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i find so many people in my life really stupid that i'm starting to wonder if i'm the common denominator

happy easter! did you know that rabbits can snore? guess which fuzzy little asshole woke me up today

art sucks art sucks art sucks art sucks

make some generic sellout boring ass factory farmed pop song/ anime picture/ novel whatever is piss easy and there's no point in doing it if it's been completely automated by AI anyway and doesnt have a shred of personality whatsoever but making ACTUAL ART IS BALLS HARD and i cant do it for shit i swear i CANT like at this point might as well just tell dalle or something to do my job for me bc it will do it 10 times better i wanna be like rdj or shigesato itoi or something and actually do something with creativity and individuality not just wikihow to make some mainstream filler i swear theres NO POINT IN ART ANYMORE BANGS HEAD ON WALL BANGS HEAD ON WALL

like i KNOW i shouldnt try and be different on purpose but like in this generation of AI and shit i feel like you kinda have to stir some shit up if you wanna be worthwhile because this shit is justKJADSHJAFKSDHFOUSDHAFIDS IM GOING TO GO INSANE AND KILL SOMEONE,,,,,?????????

the thing is that i dont think ive ever made ART so much as ive just been making generic filler content so like im not even an artist or a musician or something its just too easy to do the shit i do i am NOTHING i am a fraud i am a talentless hack

april 2024

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rice is best consumed scooped directly out of cooker with your hands and eaten like an apple

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boards of canada should let me join their group because im canadian and i like music

you know what happens tomorrow

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happy avril 14th my aphex twinks

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torturing the duolingo bird by keeping the app on my phone and never using it and watching the icon wither away

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just moved to my own room yesterday! was sharing a space with my mom and my sister before since we didn't have enough rooms for our own use (we set out a good portion of the house to do airbnb and shit) but we decided to just wall off a space and make another room. we tossed in a random bed from the garage and voila a room. the house modding community is insane. i haven't been here for too long, but i did observe that having your own space does really make a difference - of course i love my family and shit but i feel having that private place to call yours really does boost productivity and overall mood i think... i feel a lot more free. it's a very nice room! having to share a washroom was a lot less annoying than i expected honestly (but that's probably because i'm only sharing it with a few family members, i imagine it'd be much worse if it was a whole floor of strangers or whatever). in some ways it reminds me of my dorm (it's right next to the dining room and kitchen AND THE LIVING ROOM so therefore it is usually kinda noisy, like how my dorm was right next to the floor kitchen and stairwell) but honestly i do enjoy the vibe. i guess i enjoy the feeling of being independent? eh it'd be nice if i could get my minifridge and electric cooker back. then i'd REALLY be living it up (but the kitchen is literally right there so i guess there's no point). anyhow, i do feel more content after this change, like i'm in charge of my time or something, even if we still have group meal times. i guess that bit of independence really made a difference? your environment does have a non-negligible impact soooo........

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read a stupid online argument. got a headache. put on some autechre. headache got worse

i mean this in all respect and love for the band by the way i love you ae

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changed my sitename as i linked this page too many places . oops. i felt naked and exposed and that was sort-of impacting me um. authenticity. anyway its back to its original name but with a 4 instead of a "for" because 4 is my favourite number

its 5am as im writing this and i have a job to do tomorrow but the thought was straight up eating me alive so i had to get it out. tamnsgender

like i wonder whether theres a philosophical reasoning behind being trans or like its just . it just is. some people are just inherently misaligned. which is what a lotta articles ive read seem to point towards????? but im a batshit insane conspiracy theory guy i dont trust the news. its all psyops to me. i’m just busting your balls but even still i really dislike relying on outside sources because what if theyre wrong then ill look like a buffoon

when i first started questioning my gender like seriously i was around 12 or 13 i think, and it was something more or less along the lines of “man trans people are so stinky and dumb haha comment about genital mutilation. but like. what if i was a boy. what if” (i had a phase where i was piss-ass transphobic. like unreasonably so.) i was also disgusted with my female body, even before i knew wtf what a gender dysphoria was. like - i was totally planning to get my breasts and reproductive organs removed as soon as i gained independence because they freaked me out so much. imagine a small goblin creature. in a flesh sac. and hes clawing and clawing at the sac trying to get out but he does not succeed. i know i’m not helping with the stereotype but that’s how i felt okay

the ridiculous thing is once i realized i kinda fit the bill of being trans i was STILL like. kinda prejudiced - not violently so as i was before but still. i was thinking “oh yeah being trans is for people who just want attention i hate those guys but what if i’m one of them?? what if?” but i think overall the idea was that i was very unhappy with my identity as it was. i had a history of telling people i was a guy online and originally i said it was “for safety reasons” (which was totally bullshit by the way. i only ever went on art sites, which was predominantly full of kids, plus most people there were female so idk what good pretending to be a guy would do) but i realized i kinda liked being called a dude. at around age 14 i realized “oh fk ok yeah i’m trans what do i do?”

i definitely WAS thinking about a medical transition but some background information: i am so piss afraid of surgery i;m a little weeniebaby

over time though i kind of developed the idea that ... nothing is real. who gives a fuck what my body looks like. if someone doesnt like me i will pretend they do not exist, and for all that will affect me they do not. it’s sort of a utilitarianism-absurdism-solipsism combo meal. to put it in a slightly more intelligent way, i know that living as male will bring me more happiness (utility goes up). it’s not something that hurts people. now my utility would go down should i go under the knife, but as we established earlier nothing is real, therefore physically looking female does not mean anything because it is not real. now if someone wants to accuse me of being a fake man? you’re fake too yeah fuck you you don’t even exist. for all i know, everything in the material world is a figment of my imagination. things only exist if you believe them to be true, and acknowledgement of their truth is useful. how to say “life is meaningless and we’re all gonna die” in chinese

i don’t know if i came up with this narrative just to cope?? like my strongest desire deep down really is just to have a male body, idc how it looks it can be ugly as fuck, so long as its male. but surgery ooooooo scary. but part of me does feel like this is some sort of self-actualization? like the peak of my existence is male and i will not let my body stop me. billionaire grindset work hard become the man you want to be the flesh of humanity is no obstacle. affirmations for spiritual success and wealth whatever

(i took so long writing this that the notes app on my laptop turned into day mode)

so in summary i’m kind of dealing with this dichotomy between the visceral desire to just be male, both in mind and matter, but also this lofty philosophical idea that i am in complete control of reality and therefore my flesh matters not at all so it’s fine if the prospect of getting operated on actually makes me want to shit my own guts out

to note is that my interests and general sense of style lean like. HYPER feminine. im chilling in a pink little room, surrounded by dolls, cuddling a big stuffed bunny, and wearing fluffy socks and an eyemask with a huge ribbon bow on it. theres an inherent trade i have to make between staying true to the things i like and being perceived the way i want to be. personally i see no issue with men liking cute girly things and wearing cute girly clothes but i know that is widely considered to be somewhat unusual, which i mean. fair enough. but with that trade i mentioned earlier, i guess right now i’m just sticking with the former? fuck the haters, i guess. ill vamoose them from reality with my mind

the people in my college all recognize me as a man, which is great since right now they are the people that matter the most to me, aside from family of course. but i don’t know if my little fantasy world will last forever. with the way i worded it, probably not. i got lucky that most of my classmates are accepting and didn’t really press me about it. even still though i’ve got 3 years left, i’ll probably have to make a decision eventually. despite all this i cannot deny that i DO care about others’ opinions, as much as i wish i didn’t, and most of all i DO wish, completely internally, that my body was that of a man. when i was 5 i threw a temper tantrum at my mom and told her to put me back in the belly so she could birth me again with dick and ballz. at age 18 i’m sort of doing the same thing

may 2024

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css is pretty fucking legendary. i've made my links pink. anyway my brother taught me how to play magic the gathering and it's over for my social life

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"give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt." i think about this every so often

usually i just wonder what we're really working towards, y'know, earthlings as a whole? we have the very real threat of climate change occurring and meanwhile we're making advances in AI which most definitely doesn't help, especially with how resource-intensive the machinery for it is. i'm not saying that innovation that may have negative consequences on other global issues is necessarily bad, but i do think it is kind of stupid to keep making things with the promise of it changing the world without knowing what kind of world we're trying to change into IMO. we've solved a lot of problems, which is nice, but in the process we're making a lot more - eg. social media has helped connect people and it's pretty ingrained into western culture, i guess, but at the same time it causes shit like depression, addiction, blah blah blah most people who use social media even tell you to use it a lot less since it's not healthy. yeah. i'm wondering if we're just prioritizing some sort of short-term gratification instead of examining long term effects? like i don't want to be the no-fun guy but what does the trajectory of the future look like? "AI will change the world" yes i agree but how? what do we plan to do with it?

i guess for a start i've seen AI used as learning aids which is very nice, i do think it is beneficial to increase the general education level of humanity. that's good! what's not good is the whole uprising of AI "partners" which i cannot begin to describe how unhealthy and parasitic it is. yes it grants temporary alleviation from loneliness but in the end it'll only make things worse, as it is ultimately a product - maybe things will be different if they decide to make conscious AI in the future, but i will be sorely disappointed (but not at all surprised) if they end up using it for realistic artificial lovers or whatever. i guess what i'm trying to say here is that it just looks like we're trying to jerk ourselves off with our new innovations instead of using it to improve ourselves and therefore the world

more or less i'm just thinking humanity has no end goal, since there probably wasn't a reason we were created, which is fine! i totally get exploring just for the sake of exploring. i'm that kind of person after all. fuck around, find out. but it's all bread and circus now i fear. new technology is developing much faster than practices to responsibly use it. what i'm seeing is really just people using the new stuff to alleviate their baser desires and making new problems for little to no reason. eh. i'm probably tinting the whole thing really negative but my point is it's kind of stupid to market yourself as changing the world and shaping the future while releasing behemoths that nobody knows how to properly use upon the world. a more concrete example would be apple shitting new phone models out their machine gun ass with new features that nobody fucking needs. it's just the novelty that gets them going, but in a few years that will get old too and they'll want to look for their next hit. i guess in other words just slow down. think about what we're actually doing??

ideally i would like to see a world where technology helps people achieve self-actualization and transcend biological limitations, for example it is thanks to modern science that many people are able to survive diseases that would've killed them back in history. this is good! and i won't say that this is straight up not happening now, because it most definitely is, maybe just not to the degree that i'd like to see it. but the widgets and doohickeys of the today world have the power to be used for self and societal improvement in a way that i do not see happening on a large scale. maybe i am wrong though. feel free to prove me wrong i'd love to be wrong here actually

to end on a positive note though i do want to remain optimistic as i do feel some sort of rude awakening may be in progress sooner or later. not going to hold my breath though, so in other news i do want to appreciate the progress that the world has made. i do not think the world is going to shit. for example, it is nice that gender and racial equality is improving, even if it has a long way to go, and i definitely appreciate that they will not lobotomize me for saying i am trans :thumbsup: but yes the industrial revolution and its consequences

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following the google streetview car with my kiddy bike and silly purple helmet

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saw a bit of a discussion on this online and it reminded me that i wanted to write something and forgot as i do

there's a bit of discourse here and there about what constitutes a "mistake" (if anything) compared to a stylistic choice in art (specifically gonna be talking about visual art but maybe this is applicable to other types? i don't know) aaaannd i do think a lot of it does boil down to intention and self-awareness, i guess. sure art is subjective but it is a method of communication, so if anything i think art should be graded on how well it's able to deliver the intended message. obviously there's a lot of holes in this standard (which is why this was even an argument in the first place), but i do think it has a place in analyzing and evaluating art. (hold on i've got dinner to eat i'll finish this in a bit)

anyhow, i suppose a way to look at this is to realize that there's rarely ever any completely realistic visual depictions of life. take photography as an example - by choosing a focus for the lens and blurring the background (or even putting something in the main view) is, to some extent, a distortion of reality. similar things would most definitely happen in other mediums like painting or sketching - even moreso because the shapes themselves can be stylized as well to accentuate certain features, like the way cartoons exaggerate the facial features to make the expressions more readable to the audience. so where do we draw the line between a mistake and a stylistic choice? i suppose it depends on how much it interferes with the message's portrayal and the artist's intention, i guess. for example, if the eyes are drawn large to try and make a character cuter and more sympathetic, but are so large they end up feeling uncanny, i suppose that's a mistake. bringing back the parallels with photography, i guess if you took a blurry photo of something that was meant to be in focus, that makes it a bad photo as it didn't really capture what you wanted it to. stylistic choices should probably have some degree of self-awareness and intention behind them and should be used meaningfully to achieve the desired effect.... i guess? i don't know.

tangentially related but i suppose there's also different ways to evaluate a piece - for example, compare a photorealistic drawing that completely fails to deliver its intended message but contains no formal errors with a drawing made by a young child to illustrate their emotion, i guess. the latter would probably be more striking. i don't really want to imply that art is completely subjective (and not to mention that the argument is really tired and honestly not that interesting) because i do think there are metrics in which you can evaluate the effectiveness of a piece, again as a form of communication, otherwise techniques for analysis probably wouldn't exist. "good art" does have some recurring properties that underly a piece, i guess, even if these properties aren't consistent in the visual aspect (which is probably why people think art is subjective).

and now i'm upset because i opened a whole new can of worms about the artist's intention vs. the audience interpretation. i'm too tired to write anything too intelligent but i guess both come into play here? like. the end product is ultimately the audience's mental construction of the meaning of the piece - it will only mean to them what they think it means. i think the actual art lies in the understanding produced in the audience, probably. of course this will also be shaped by the context of the piece's creation and what the artist wanted to make in the first place, but this should all combine into more information to construct that said understanding. maybe in edge cases the intention does end up relatively irrelevant - for example say a photographer wanted to take a picture of a nice flower but accidentally took the last photo of someone before they disappeared because they captured some guy in the background. where does the artistic merit lie there? i do not know. i've been playing terraria all day i'm really tired

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i kind of just remembered that college application essays are some of the most boring and predictable shit ever. my brother and i wrote a backstory to some character named "wet bird" as a joke and it followed the exact same formula fucking hell. they should let you say fuck in those essays. it really shows the admissions team who has the bollocks to actually be authentic

on a similar note i also remembered that even though colleges emphasize their values of diversity and variety quite often i feel like they always admit the same sorts of students. at least for the most part. maybe this is a fallacy? since most people are by definition not weird. but yeah admit someone that's actually off the handle. let them fuck shit up. makes things more interesting that way and dare i say more effective because i think a whole college with the same mindset and values or whatever will get wiped out by some sort of plague via lack of genetic diversity but in the brain

not me tho i'm honestly the sanest person i know

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they should engineer some sort of double mouth/nose action so you can play the flute and sing at the same time

gonna pitch all my great ideas to chatgpt so in the event there's a data leak maybe some genius will make my vision a reality

right after writing that sentence above i realized you could just go with a more straightforward route and post it on the internet directly. i won't do that though i'm shy

june 2024

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subconsciously i always knew that i'd probably derive more satisfaction than anything from working on something i find meaningful to me (which, y'know, is pretty common knowledge) though tonight i'm starting to think about its specifics a little more... for example i'm not sure how good i feel after drawing single pictures - sure, i'm proud of it at the moment, but after a while i get sick of it and need to draw another. just like buying things lmao. i've thought it to be a powerful motivator to have something to work towards (redundant and self-explanatory i know) - or in other words, what i mean is that life feels a lot more fulfilling when you wake up with a specific, tangible thing that you want to work towards. i always look forward to having something to do - especially if said thing is challenging enough to be meaningful and ties with my character and identity. not just that but feeling progress on a big project is definitely a lot bigger than finishing little ones - completing a drawing that's part of a larger collection is more rewarding than completing singles. i've made a few attempts to write more novels, though there's a bit of a personal reason why those kind of fall apart in terms of motivation/reward - novels are only good when they're completely finished. writing a chapter definitely doesn't feel as good as making something that holds merit as a work of art by itself, since it doesn't feel like i've made anything until i finish the book. i'm thinking of making some sort of multimedia series - a world defined by bits and pieces of articles and short stories here and there. bah. i don't know if it's too young to think about what i want my life's work to be - i mean what i make right now will most definitely NOT be the magnum opus or a core part of my identity in any way - honestly i just really want something to work towards. hm...

also i exhumed a school project i made last year. it was a text-based game made on twine and it took forever to restore it because i used discord links to host the files :(( i did figure out that you can host twine games on neocities though! this changes so much

i firmly believe that "hamster" is an objectively funny word

anyway disstracks are a hilarious concept.. imagine hating someone so much that you dedicate a whole song to them,

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"the pain you go through isn't unbearable because you've already dealt with it for so long" i would like for them to tie you down and slowly flay you alive and see how long you can last before you start crying for mercy

"suicide is selfish" "learn to live for yourself" god damn you fucking cunt which one is it then. all the things people say to suicidal people are actually super fucking dumb yeah no shit you think life is precious but it's precisely because i disagree with you that i'm even considering killing myself in the first place. they just keep throwing those phrases at me hoping it'll eventually work. yeah sure the sky looks nice and the trees look pretty but have you considered that every thread of my soul is being endlessly tormented. why don't you go up to a guy in a torture chamber and show him a flower to try to get him to stop crying

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damn someone was in a bad mood

anyhow i spent my evening trying to count along to songs with weird time signatures and failed for the most part but now i know what a mixed meter is. i also often think about how rabbits have such good ears and they would be amazing music teachers if they just weren’t so FUCKING stupid

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this sounds pretty counterintuitive but we should get more depressed people to be therapists because i find that the vast majority of people without depression are absolutely horrific at dealing with it. i mean i don't blame them since it is a disordered way of thinking, but god damn they are unhelpful. i'll be showing them some analogy i came up with when talking about how hard it is to talk about how i feel and they'll go "yes i understand" No you do not because this is literally what you do lol... it's even worse when you're depressed to the point of non-functioning because there really isn't anything anyone can do except for pity you; you're always treated like That Burden that the other person is just so kind and understanding that they feel bad for you, so they don't have any expectations for you because they're just that good of a person. quite frankly it's a disgusting attitude to treat a human with but it's also completely reasonable since sick people do require more resources. iiiiiiii dunno. what i'm trying to say is that no matter what i say to others it always feels like i have to be the one apologizing or owing gratitude because i am only seen as a hardship and the only value i provide is sentimental - like a pet that isn't trained to do anything useful except provide companionship. yeah it's an easy life but i am a human and i am intelligent enough that a life like that is demeaning. being valued by others the same way they value animals really doesn't make me feel any better about myself

another thing is that when they tell you "no don't feel bad! you make me stronger as a person" it also feels like shit because... what? yes i made you stronger by making your life harder. in a way they're just thanking themselves for deciding to improve their own quality of life after i brought it down. it's like thanking a rock in your backpack for training you or whatever - unlike a coach it's not like the rock did anything of value; it was you yourself who decided to do that. every time i hear something like that, that me being depressed makes those around me better people, it just sounds like they're complimenting those around me for putting up with my bullshit. something that's similar is a common attitude i see towards children with some sort of neurodivergency or other disorder, usually autism, like parents congratulating each other like "you're so brave for having a kid with autism" like oh my god way to make the kid feel like absolute shit! you're telling them the only worth they provide to others is burdening them!

in far more vulgar terms: i hate talking to people without depression about my wellbeing because usually they just jerk themselves off in front of me

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this thought has been fermenting in the pantry of my brain for a minute or two but i finally got the words to get it out: vtubers are cringe and i know exactly why

they just hit that degree of "uncanny valley" perfectly for me. i can simultaneously say "you're a drawing, stop acting like a real person" and "you're a real person, stop acting like a drawing" towards them - something about their whole concept (or at least, the industry concept with those agencies and shit) feels so confused and disturbing - you're essentially watching a person put on a mask and a persona so far removed from any sort of realistic human, and being streamers they do demand some sort of audience engagement and connection. not to mention that a lot of them are straight-up degenerate as well. it's the same kind of gross feeling i get from those AI lovers - you're engaging with some effigy of a personality except with all the unsavoury parts boiled away to leave you with the highest degree of marketability and holy fuck that's creepy. engaging too much with escapist fiction that's meant to be some sort of mental pacifier does dumb your brain down in the real world. now just imagine that except you interact with it on a far more personal level. it reminds me of those idol industries in east asian countries and honestly i think they're just as bad

though i just want to specify again that a lot of it does come from our treatment of them as non-product content creators. the reason why i don't have the same problem with someone like hatsune miku is that a lot of us are aware that she is a construct and an instrument and appropriately treat her as such. and also because she's actually involved in decent fucking music and not the same fucking song where the quirky playful anime girl sings to you about sex or whatever and lobotomizes your ears

of course i am discussing a very specific kind of vtuber. i know that a good amount of indie vtubers are just normal ass people who prefer to express themselves through an animated avatar which i think is completely reasonable and respectable - if you're thinking "hey what you're saying isn't true" then i'm not talking about you. but anyway yeah these guys are literally industry plant streamers how do you not find that extremely weird

there is a wider problem reflected in celebrity culture in general, which i find disgusting, though the span of that one is pretty large so i just chose a specific topic to talk about. a lot of it i guess revolves around the commodification of identity which i feel i'm too dumb to really properly discuss but i'll probably drop a few cents in the fountain sometime sooner or later.

too polite didnt read (actually not polite at all but): vtubers are industry plant succubuses engineered to suck out your money and your soul and you should stop letting the devil into your mind. go watch some cat videos instead

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i was watching videos of people cleaning up the houses of the deceased and the comments and content gave me a good cry which doesn't usually happen but yeah erm. they make me think "damn that's horrible maybe i shouldn't kill myself after all" which is a mentality that dissipates the second i fail at anything or have to face against azorius control

in any case i guess i just wanted to talk about why it sucks so bad to be depressed (well first of all well DUH, but i'm talking about a different kind of feel bad, or why it kind of feels like a self-fulfilling prophecy, i guess) and i think a lot of it is that for a lot of people (by that i mean just me, so) being sick feels like such a meaningless struggle - like i'm not fighting against oppression or changing the world or anything i'm just a sad motherfucker and any sort of "battle" i fight benefits me, solely. all of it's pretty much self-contained too, so part of it almost feels like you deserve what's coming to you; with something like cancer at least you can kind of understand a bit easier that your body just kind of fucked up, but with depression all of it feels like it's your fault that you aren't thinking properly, or that it's your fault that you don't want to get better. i guess all that makes it quite hard for even the victim to sympathize with themselves. impossible to talk about too because if anyone tells you they give a shit about what your depression's like, then they're lying, because it is just boring by definition like damn bitch i don't wanna hear you talk about yourself the whole time. anyone who's honest with themselves know that they don't give a rat's ass about some random person and their mood problems that so many other random people have. what are you even supposed to say?? "i'm sorry you feel that way"???? god it's just so stupid, and i think what makes depressed people feel even worse (aside from the obvious, y'know) is that they're aware that it's just really pointless. it's not like you're solving climate change or bringing about the second coming of christ by taking prozac everyday so like what's even the big idea behind all this aside from having to live knowing that god hates you or something

on a similar note i saw a post somewhere characterizing depression as a societal failure instead of a personal condition, and seeing its prevalence and that it has a lot of trends, i honestly agree, and i think the dominant idea that it should be treated the same way the same way you treat something like cancer is probably getting in the way of finding some way to tackle it on a societal level. well 1) duh but also 2) it is interesting to think about - maybe the world as a whole is sick and we're just the symptoms. i will say though that i'm not very hopeful that it will improve, given that a lot of the causes feel very engrained into our communities, BUT i do think it would be funny if we took someone rich and famous and gutted them in public in the middle of times square or something, would be interesting to see what happens (probably just mass hysteria but still). gotta add that i don't condone murder and i do think that something like that would be a heinous act but you can't stop me from being a curious soul

tldr: depression makes you sad

"you are a nice person" well gee thanks but you see i actually have an insane amount of criticism for almost everyone around me except i'm quite good at suppressing those thoughts around nearly everyone because i know i'm being watched and i know that nothing anyone says will ever be private. "you can just tell me, i can take it" NOPE i will not because that doesn't change the fact that they are always listening. i don't even like thinking bad about specific people in my head either because somehow it's going to leak out and i would have made myself an enemy. i only criticise my family so if i'm mean to you then congrats it means i love you unconditionally. i hate being a liar but i'm not a man of the truth

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i finally got the chance to go out and talk to one of my classmates who was around at the time and we had a conversation that sort of got me thinking.

back then i was more into that sort of extreme curiosity, i guess, where i want to collect as much knowledge as possible to distribute it, but maybe i've just gotten a lot more nihilistic over time; i also wanted to invent all sorts of shit that nobody really has thought of before; i remember mom telling me when i was young i'd constantly ask whether there was new shit to do, new species to discover, new technology to delve into etc shit like that. i remember getting really upset when she told me that there's pretty much nothing original anymore lolololol. i don't know why i wanted to do this. wasn't sure if it was going to change the world or whatever, I don't think i ever thought much about that specifically more than i just wanted to leave something behind, be understood, and be appreciated as my friend mentioned during our chat. over time though i kind of realized that to change the world, you really have to change the way people think to try and tackle some of the problems we have as a society; making new gizmos and gadgets is cool and all but i don't think there's enough thought given to why and how. let's just say for instance that despite all these new technological innovations we've seen in our century, the world's still plagued with depression, inequality, and the general populace just concerns themselves with all sorts of meaningless shit like celebrities or whatever. like i fantasize about just being some powerhouse that they hook up to a machine and subtly influence society with my thought and all that -- not to like make everything a hivemind or whatever, just to change the fundamentals of what they're taught so they can go on and meaningfully innovate. what i'm really dragging on about is that people throw the terms like progress and innovation out without really considering how this will change society on a deeper level; just physical stuff isn't enough.

i asked buddy about what kind of power he would want and how much of it but i'll just answer my own question as well. my english tutor once told me something that's honestly pretty simple but i've been thinking about a lot: people will act based on what they think is true (at least, for the most part, if the people are even thinking anyway or aren't constantly doubting themselves). even the most anarchistic of people are still controlled by what they know and what their values are; change that and you can control them, pretty much (that sounds HORRIBLE but what im saying is that people need to be smarter and more thoughtful). that's the sort of power i want-- the power that knowledge has over people. and how much power? a shit ton. ...... maybe not a shit ton, i don't want to make a hivemind i just want to make a world that doesn't suck......... but yeah anyway a lot of this can come from social influence; for example from books and all that people publish since a good book changes the way people think or something.

though i guess this vision of mine has a wee bit of conflict with a few of my values, that being individuality and freedom. i have a pretty strong disdain for order and tradition; i think they're the reason why a lot of people just never think, like they just do things they were taught and don't question anything. snore. maybe i can paint a better picture by describing my ideal world, which would be a place where people are very introspective, thoughtful, and have a lot of self mastery, to the point where humanity would then be free to fuck around with technology and shit like that and see what happens. i'm a person with a lot of aggressive individuality in that my first instinct when i'm told anything is to disagree. then i'll think about it and decide whether i want to agree or not. which sounds a bit weird since the vision i have sounds very controlling but i swear, i'm just doing this so people can express themselves better... humanity is too tied down with the things they've always believed in for no reason other than it's just the way we've been taught, but i just. i just really wanna evolve past that stage, or at least direct those beliefs to an effective place. TLDR people need to be less stupid so we can all fuck shit up for fun together, it will be such a good time!!!!! be loud! wake everyone up!!!!

but about power. erm. the way i think i'm treating it is as a resource, like this is actually going to be what will change the world, like it or not. like for example someone could be a super genius but be so ass at conveying his ideas to anyone so that he has no power over anything at all, so he doesn't end up being anyone of consequence. sorry ! but it's true. the problem is that everyone with power is just so utterly concerned with themselves that they don't do anything good for society and/or they are stupid. but the problem is ....... like. i still wanna be remembered. but if there was someone else already doing this sort of work, or that this work never needed to be done in the first place... what would i do? do i still wanna change the world??? is it in human nature to just be that kind of guy that would leave something behind? the issue is i don't know. maybe i am doing this just for myself because i want to be remembered but with the decency of at least trying to make the world a less stupid place. im loud! im aggressive! i want people to look at me and i don't know why!!!!! but as a footnote a lot of artists i've met are just like this. it makes sense. maybe by the point if anyone else is doing this job or i can go back to not needing to do it somehow, i'll go back to being that kind of guy i was where i just wanted to collect a shit ton of information and push the boundaries of the human brain :)

in conclusion: how do i balance wanting to express myself and innovate without restraint and wanting the world to be a better place? i'm not sure! but i think i have an idea and that is to try to make the world smarter somehow. chaos! curiosity! creativity! carnage is only a few letters away from change! .... but in a good way, of course.......

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it is on my bucket list to fill inflatable pool implements like those big flamingos and shit with helium so when they are not in use they float pointlessly to the top

dont go back in time like 4 something months and tell me this but oh my god my poetry is so BAD

july 2024

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was washing my hands and a thick layer of bubbles formed. it was very warm inside. i want to harness this technology for really nice blankets. this is the kind of forward thinking that will get us ahead in society

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goodness me i really haven't been here in a minute. anyway i haven't been doing well, sort of. mixed bag. i ended up starting a little project for myself where i'd try and finish a novella (anticipating about like 20-40k words or so) over the summer and that's been... going. i had a whole lot of motivation for it at the beginning but it's kind of fizzled out, probably because i posted about it publicly. life pro tip if you're doing something don't tell people about it. they're not going to care

been mulling over stuff like this quite a bit, i guess... i've been trying to read more, which i guess is nice. but now i really don't have a whole lot to talk about 'cause i just feel intellectually understimulated alot of the time.. i sound like a jackass but i'm just a bit frustrated that i don't have a whole lot of people to have meaningful and fulfilling conversations with, and those that i think do have the ability to do so just aren't interested in having those discussions with me? i don't know, but eh. i'm just. there's an itch that really needs to be scratched. hell, i've resorted to talking to chatgpt just because i can't really get anyone else to talk about things i'm interested in, which is just fucking pathetic lmao.

there's some more stuff i guess i could talk about? i noticed i haven't been thinking about the stuff i usually think about. now i just think about how i'm sad all the time. yay life...

august 2024

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i'm happy this is really unusual actually

in any case: i think i may have an idea of what makes music so Special.... and it is because it is enjoyed only in the moment that it is created. think about this: when you paint a picture or write a book you create something lasting that you can return to at any time to appreciate, whereas when you're playing a song on the piano or something, it's unravelling itself in front of you as you proceed... and when you finish, it's gone. ofc doesn't apply to recording but like anything can be recorded so it doesn't count. also i am talking about playing music on an instrument btw. listening to music is great and all but playing it is different, i think (and you can't really get the feeling of playing it live in a recording anyhow). so. things like time signatures, rhythm, the way one note jumps to the next... it is inherently temporal (and the temporal lobe is where you process sound i think too so what a coincidence)! like the concept of music itself is so married to our perception of time. MUSIC IS ABOUT CHANGE OVER TIME VISUAL ART IS CHANGE OVER SPACE. (as a difference, how fast you read a book doesn't really affect its contents in as much of an intrinsic way) i think that's kind of a new experience when you're making it yourself... like taking a portion out of your life to decorate that single moment. i think. as another point of comparison, visual art (and maybe text to, to some degree???) concerns itself with the relation of space, which we can easily travel through, but there's only one way forward for time, at least for us measly humans. i like to think of music as our way of scraping what little we have of the fourth dimension and making something beautiful out of it... as beautiful as we can try to make it, at least. now i'm wondering what music sounds like to 4d beings. it's probably similar to how we see statues and stuff like that.

i'll also die fighting for 5/4 and 7/4 and time signature changes to be used more often btw it sounds really good

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soo. i’ve been thinking about my own relationship with utilitarianism vs kantianism and especially because i think i am in the minority of saying “it is not fair to pull the level in the trolley problem because that random innocent person does not deserve to die, even if it’s for the greater good, because you should never send innocent people to die” which is like. very kantian. but the way i solve problems and handle things in my life is extremely utilitarian lmao. though to be fair, i don’t consider “what’s right or wrong” vs “what works or what doesn’t work”, what gets me what i want… but also, i think i’m a pretty good and noble person at heart so it’s not like i’m . doing evil or maliciously or whatever. it’s just helping me achieve my goals better. so yeah this is weird— on a societal level and for larger problems (involving those of life and death) i lean towards kantianism (maybe to the point where i disdain utilitarianism as a concept for governing larger society?? like. think of it this way: if we’re just looking to appease as many people as much as possible this is like, ripe to go absolutely nowhere…) but utilitarianism is not only totally okay to solve your own personal problems but actually the best way to go about things. now the problem is: where do we draw that distinction between the individual and society. for example i pirate a lot of music off free download sites which, i mean, if everyone did that, a lot of artists would lose a lot of money (maybe music artists are bad examples since they do make a lot of money through shows and such, so idk let’s say something like books or games instead). hm.

i think one thing that really stops utilitarianism from being effective on a global scale is the lack of a solid foundation for morality or progress— in other words, the world doesn’t know what it wants?? so we like. make a bunch of shit to keep ourselves happy in the meantime. but we’re not thinking about why we do it, or what the point of it all is… sure it makes us happy but liiiiiike we aren’t introspective enough about what the end goal here is. which okay that is a pretty utilitarian way to think about stuff. ngl. ideally in a society though we do not have to send innocent people to die for any reason, but that’s not a realistic demand to make, but i definitely think suffering of some is absolutely necessary and inevitable as a result of just being human. idfkkkkkkkkkkk im just rambling……. what WOULD be nice though is if we all had a collective vision of what we want our future to look like, or at least what can be considered “progress”, in the meaningful way, idk realistically though i do prefer a more diverse set of values so i guess that’s not feasible either, i just maybe think that it should be maybe…. the backbone of the things we do. ofc not everyone will be following this, but if the people in charge, or general culture went this way, it’d be nice. in the same way that our general culture is going nowhere but not absolutely everyone follows it. ehhh. and then when we have this vision, we can plan things and think about how to achieve this vision in the best way possible. “best” is up for debate and i don’t think clearing up what counts as “best” really matters now when i’m going to be honest, i don’t think my wish will ever be granted LMFAOOooooooo

on a somewhat related note, i’ve been kinda looking at my own future and thinking about what i wanna do— i’m a math/art major btw, which i just found out about LMFAO. in the past, i told people i wasn’t really one to change the world— more or less just act as a sort of repository for ideas and knowledge, like, write a shit ton of books, teach people maybe (i’ve wanted to be a professor for a bit) and more or less just know a bunch of shit and do a lot of exploring— ideally inspire others to go and do their own thing as a result, though, but i’ve just wanted to satisfy my own curiosity, that’s all. learning is good. NOW THOUGH i’m pretty ardent about changing the world BUT interestingly enough, the way i approach it hasn’t changed too much. i’m still wanting to be a sort of public, instructive figure, either a writer, musician, artist (ideally all of them) that makes meaningful work that contains a lot of knowledge and ideas. BUT. it’s a different angle of “changing the world” that i’m looking at. now i sort of realize that, and this is something i’ve touched on a lot, i feel, that the best way to really change the world is to gain power through public opinion and influence. in other words, i’m going to tell the world i’m right and explain why i’m right and why they should subscribe to these beliefs. NONONONO DONT GET ME WRONG im not trying to make a hivemind or anything— but there are certain values and mindsets that i think would be valuable for the world to have as a whole. that’s what i mean. PEOPLE ACT BASED ON WHAT THEY BELIEVE IS TRUE! AND HOW THEY APPROACH THIS TRUTH!! god such a simple quote but that kinda shaped like my whole philosophy now. :3c

one thing to note tho is that i sound really manipulative but honestly i don’t think i have anything to hide. i’m a fairly open person, mostly just as i don’t think keeping anything secret would benefit me, and that my sort of impulsive, flamboyant persona does score me points in being a likable figure, i guess. and it is like.. required to influence the way others learn, to be a human figure they can connect with, since emotion is related to the way we learn… emotion vs logic is a false dichotomy IMO because if you think a lot about it, a lot of logic and knowledge is based on emotional input (and necessarily has to be, because that’s just the way the brain learns, i think). the problem really is just how to rein it in to an appropriate degree.

speaking of learning, i’ve been shat on a bit in the past for liking astronomy, which i have told others about and mentioned on this website, but what’s important i think is that not only is space Cool tm but a lot of what you learn does shape your perspective and thought about the rest of the world. i am not into space as much as i used to be but it was only partially the actual nitty gritty space stuff— other half actually is very philosophical. in fact, a lot of figures in astronomy are also very proficient in things like literature, communication, shit like that… yeah i mean the higher up you go honestly, the line between STEM and humanities blurs. which is why i’m also glad i’m a math/art major. though i doubt i’ll be getting all that up there as a fucking undergrad lmao. but in the future i really do wanna do a lot of math— well first of all i’m convinced that if we could somehow figure out ALL OF MATH we can literally solve every problem on earth, but also because it will come with very valuable insights for everything else in the world— i pretty firmly believe that truth is a whole tapestry of things, threads interconnected and shit, and so learning can’t really be treated as something to be done section-by-section where the sections do not impact each other. because the values that you have and the mindset also impacts what you really learn too, going beyond just facts….

(on a tangent though. i am curious. is math actually the whole underlying force that governs everything, and learning math is really just discovering it, or is math just the way we make sense of said force? i guess the same could be said for most fields of knowledge but especially math because it’s math for fucks sake)

but yeah i think too many people approach “changing the world” as a physical or material thing like, changing the way we do things. no. i think we have to change the way people THINK. and the way they LEARN. we have to go DEEPER AND DEEPER AND DEEPER

splitting this with an hr because this is a separate thought but, i’ve been thinking about. certain qualities that protagonists have. like sometimes do you just look at someone and think “a story about this guy would be so fucking boring” or like, that they’re…. destined to maintain the status quo in the larger scale or only have concerns around very personal and immediate and inconsequential things. and i was thinking “huh. that’s kinda funny. that’s a weird way to look at people” because to be so fucking honest with you, i love stories focused around these really small things— granted i’m always looking at them *from* a larger perspective (eg. i once had this plan to write a book about a violent war humans had against aliens, and the protagonist was this little 12 year old girl who likes music and was the daughter of a failing marriage and eventually her dad kills himself, and a lot of the idea was just this tension between personal concerns and larger conflicts— in a world where you are literally getting invaded by aliens. what place does such a comparatively small tragedy have? it’s definitely a place of some sort, because people care… but i want to examine what it is they really care about and why. do you see what i mean. another story idea i have, or well not really story, is the “encyclopedia of everything”— essentially an extremely dryly written, textually emotionless log about a person’s life, without using language flourishes and such, along with dumps of other facts, and see what people end up caring about and how they end up perceiving this protagonist that i will not try to convince other people to like other than just stating facts about them in a bland way. i could write more but im REALLY itching to play the piano asdufhUFDSAHFUDSHFUHa)

okay back to what i was saying— this “protagonist type”. does such a thing exist. on all sorts of levels— storytelling, values, outer appearance idk, their role in the larger setting, contextual blah blah blah whatever and i was thinking, if such a thing does exist, is it influenced— well yes it is but to what degree— by *who* is telling these stories? like obviously those who write and create stories with such protagonists have probably got to have similar traits of their own, and i’m wondering if this is really reflected in the stories that they write. in other words: i want to know what sort of tales that those who aren’t compelled to tell them have. it sorta sucks that making communicative media does have prerequisites in terms of the kinds of people that would make them, because it limits the stories that we will know… i want to know what everyone else is thinking

this took forever to write because i was chatting with friends about magic the gathering and sucking dick

sept 2024

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i am now in taiwan and it is very sauce. college has just started for me. doing well. relaxing maxing. anyway here are some things i kinda typed down yesterday:

i was going to say this during the whole culture discussion session but it somehow slipped my mind. i just remembered it. i find slightly ironic and amusing that taipei, the city with conformity and collectivism as part of its culture, has architecture and an overall vibe that has so much character and is far less sterile than SF, or the more gentrified parts of it

very random but being someone who grew up in both eastern and western cultures, i've noticed many aspects in all of them and i have a lot of criticism for both sides. ............ mark cooking his new Mark Philosophy for culture and stuff. wonder if anyone else who has multiple cultural identities feels the same

about the first one. i really like it here in taipei. i'll be honest though, i did also really love SF, but since i lived right on the cusp between the tenderloin and the financial district it is really shocking to me sometimes. it's lovely, i guess, but i get a little sick of those big ass marble buildings that are way too big and airy for little to no reason and idk it feels so polished. it's very boring. nice and luxurious i guess... just. not that interesting. top it off with like someone starving to death like a block away and it just becomes really funny. it's probably an observation of western culture i guess that meaningless pursuit of identity and status ends up giving us meaningless progress like this, where we're working towards something but don't really know why, and causes divides like this. i dunno, just bullshitting. very tired because my class schedules are fucked up (i have a class at 12 AM??????) i will say though that i haven't seen all of taipei just yet, maybe i just live in a less gentrified place, since i remember going back to china once and some parts of it really was like. piss polished like sf boring type shit. idk how similar taiwan is in terms of development there but the architecture otherwise is so similar, like eg we don't get individual buildings much i don't think. it's very dense but where i am its also very vegetation. i like the trees. im going so off track though ill finish this thought later when i have it more fleshed out.................

being so far away from home tho i do miss my buny

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how do i explain to people that i'm not masturbating i'm just punching my foot while sitting crisscross applesauce