<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: rgb(214, 0, 0); font-size: 46px;">WARNING</span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><strong><span style="font-size: 28px;">The following game's visuals contain moving static effects that some players may find bothersome or dangerous.</span></strong></p><p style="text-align: center;">If you are sensitive to these effects, please exit this game immediately.</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">[[CONTINUE. -> predocks]]</p>(set: $food to false)(set: $music to false)(set: $story to false)<img src="https://i.ibb.co/XzL1XXr/IMG-8944.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
It was a grey morning on the docks. A viscous fog had spilled across the ground, and the frost hung so densely in the air that it congealed around the metal posts of the pier and around your fingers, which had turned stiff and red.
There was a crackle in the wooden floorboards of the pier as you lifted yourself up from laying prone. The sea, lined with white froth, lapped at the quiet shoreline, little piles of debris floating on its pale-blue surface.(if: visits is 1)[
You stand upright, and feel as if it were the first time in ages that you carried yourself at all.]
Mr. Rabbit looks at you.
(if: visits is 1)[Along with the steady buzz of life emanating from the town lining the ocean boardwalk, all sounds fade into the background.](if: visits > 1)[An itching feeling spreads across your skin as you watch the townspeople mill about.]
You decide to…
[[Talk to Mr. Rabbit.]]
[[Take a good look at the town.]]
[[Sit down and collect your thoughts.]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/kyay5cDNHqlWJMWtJ5vq5QHRTPejp2Lo" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/0nrTxKJ/IMG-8940.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">(if: visits is 1)[“Good morning.”
(click: "…")[
“Why all the tension, $name? It’s a formality.”
(click: "…")[
“Any plans on this fine day?”
[[Point towards the bakery in the town. -> rabbakery]]
[[Gesture to the music shop in the town. -> rabmusic shop]]
[[Shake your head.]]]](if: visits is 2)[“Well, $name, there isn't a lot I can do for you myself if you don't think you're up to anything.”
(click: "…")[
“Anything new?”
[[Point towards the bakery in the town. -> rabbakery]]
[[Gesture to the music shop in the town. -> rabmusic shop]]
[[Shake your head.]]]](if: visits > 2)[“I really don't have anything for you if you aren't interested in anything, $name. I only know as much as you; I'm sorry.”
(click: "…")[
“Anything new?”
[[Point towards the bakery in the town. -> rabbakery]]
[[Gesture to the music shop in the town. -> rabmusic shop]]
[[Shake your head.]]]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/7828eMaJBNfHUEgfJTSFVIEFIJBr6cx3" autoplay>(if: visits is 1)[You turn your attention towards the storefronts and people along the west edge of the boardwalk.
<img src="https://i.ibb.co/BBNfKBN/IMG-8966.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
You carried the conception that one’s opinion would lend to the unnatural magnification of certain things and the obscuration of others, and only through knowing nothing would you be able to perceive the truth. But now the truth is in front of you, and through the motley assortment of clutter and noise you can make out almost nothing.
The scene was abrasive to all your senses.
It’s overwhelming.
You turn your stiff neck and try to focus harder on a single corner. Your attention falls on…](if: visits > 1)[You return to the town and the noise still hasn't left. You do your best to process the scene one bit at a time and stare at...]
[[a bakery.]]
[[a music shop.]]
[[a path back to the docks. -> docks]]
(set: $rabbring to false)<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/uq8g6MPfl76R4654UqiAB8qWcIdlR4zv" autoplay>Nobody here.
[[Back to the docks. -> docks]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/ITIbocOmbrJ5Jz0bSiH8nsPQE7RwlHW3" autoplay>"Well, I don't have much to offer you if you have no ideas yourself, then. Sorry."
[[Back.-> docks]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/kyay5cDNHqlWJMWtJ5vq5QHRTPejp2Lo" autoplay>(if: visits is 1)[“I see. Ah.”
(click: "…")[
“I had a special taste for food some time ago. I seem to have lost it.”
(click: "…")[
“Do you want me to take you to the bakery?”
[[Yes. ->a bakery.]]
[[No. ->fno]]
(set: $rabbring to true)]](if: visits > 1)[$rt["Hm. Well, decided that you'll give the bakery a go?]
[[Yes. ->a bakery.]]
[[No. ->fno]]
(set: $rabbring to true)]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/4u0FvSWLaSlqOItZirwzGtlvVzNBIbCz" autoplay>(if: visits is 1)[“I see. Ah.”
(click: "…")[
“I had a special ear for music some time ago. I seem to have lost it.”
(click: "…")[
“Do you want me to take you to the music shop?”
[[Yes. ->a music shop.]]
[[No. ->mno]]
(set: $rabbring to true)]](if: visits > 1)["Hm. Well, decided that you'll give the music shop a go?
[[Yes. ->a music shop.]]
[[No. ->mno]]
(set: $rabbring to true)]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/4u0FvSWLaSlqOItZirwzGtlvVzNBIbCz" autoplay>(if: $rabbring is true)[Mr. Rabbit walks you to the bakery, then disappears back to the docks.
]You open the door to the bakery and you’ve unleashed about a dozen different smells. The matte steel handle was oddly pleasant to hold.
The little bell that hung from the silver doorframe did not ring, and it doesn’t seem like anyone’s around.
You examine the bakery.
(click-append: "examine the bakery.")[
In front of you sits a small tray of cake rolls, lightly dusted with white powder sugar. To your left side is a shelf of oatmeal muffins and golden-brown croissants; to your right, a rack of freshly-baked brioche buns.
You pick up…
[[…a cake roll.]]
[[…an oatmeal muffin.]]
[[…a croissant.]]
[[…a brioche bun.]]]<audio autoplay><source src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/xjB2FXJaMaeq4o1V9cnk3v7uP8IBY1Hs" type="audio/mpeg"></audio><audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/r0l5sri4rTsZxdAmU8P0srqkn7nhZ9pE" autoplay>(if: $rabbring is true)[Mr. Rabbit walks you to the music shop, then disappears back to the docks.
]You open the door to the music shop and your surroundings get a little louder. There’s about half a dozen tracks playing at once.
The store was a mess both visually and aurally– you wonder how they manage to sell anything. Nonetheless, you feel an urge to look around.
You examine the music shop.
(click-append: "examine the music shop.")[
To your left was an assortment of brass instruments, treated so callously that you wondered what the point of the “DO NOT TOUCH” sign was. To your right was a small group of triangles hanging on a rack, and in front of you was a stack of sheet music and cassette tapes.
You approach the…
[[brass instruments.]]
[[sheet music.]]
[[cassette tapes.]]]<audio autoplay><source src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/xjB2FXJaMaeq4o1V9cnk3v7uP8IBY1Hs" type="audio/mpeg"></audio><audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/Nhlg7hlgJuzNy2bHSgBdl0S4eWnARCFA" autoplay>You examine the cake roll.
It falls apart slightly in your hands, too small to support the entire length. Red jam falls to the floor, and you cover the spill up with the loose welcome rug.
The spongy exterior has a familiar texture. You take a small bite and leave the bakery.
[[Return to the docks. -> fdock]](set: $food to true, $tired to true)(set: $bread to "cake roll")<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/cORLGztadoY5UCagNYA4dhpZWGc8x3Nc" autoplay>You examine the oatmeal muffin. It immediately crumbles at your touch.
You pick up the bits of oat that came loose and toss them out.
You feel proud of yourself for recognizing early that the small dark dots were raisins and not chocolate to save yourself from the disappointment.
[[Return to the docks. -> fdock]](set: $food to true, $bread to "muffin", $tired to true)<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/cORLGztadoY5UCagNYA4dhpZWGc8x3Nc" autoplay>You examine the croissant. Its outer layer begins to flake away.
You take care not to let anything fall to the floor.
You hold your nose up to the pastry and breathe in all the grease… it’s a little nauseating. Nonetheless, you take it with you as you leave the bakery.
[[Return to the docks. -> fdock]](set: $food to true, $tired to true)(set: $bread to "croissant")<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/cORLGztadoY5UCagNYA4dhpZWGc8x3Nc" autoplay>You examine the brioche bun. Indents form in the bread under your fingers as you pull it out of its batch.
You accidentally ripped chunks off of the brioche bun’s neighbours, so as to hide the evidence you decide to take the entire batch with you.
[[Return to the docks. -> fdock]](set: $food to true, $tired to true)(set: $bread to "batch of brioche buns")<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/cORLGztadoY5UCagNYA4dhpZWGc8x3Nc" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/XzL1XXr/IMG-8944.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
(if: visits is 1)[You shambled back to the pier, the floor beneath your feet crackling like a fire.
]You must’ve spent a lot more time meandering about the bakery and in the shop than your instinct told you– a deep orange was beginning to crawl into the sky from the edge of the horizon.
Your hands were already sore and stiff from holding the $bread for so long.
Mr. Rabbit looks at you.
(if: visits is 1)[You get the feeling that something bad, or at the very least nothing good, is going to happen.](if: visits > 1)[An odd sense of hopelessness washes over you.]
You think you’ll…
[[Talk to Mr. Rabbit. ->ftalk]]
[[Take a good look at the town. ->town1]]
[[Sit down and collect your thoughts. ->fthoughts]]
(if: $story is true)[[[End the day. You're tired.-> endday]]](if: visits is 1)[<audio autoplay><source src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/WEfOH1a6Pibi5Ep3p7SeII3tsGaBKf72" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/kyay5cDNHqlWJMWtJ5vq5QHRTPejp2Lo" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/0nrTxKJ/IMG-8940.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">(if: $story is false)[Mr. Rabbit notices your new possession.
“What do you have there, $name? A $bread?”
Yes, obviously.
(click: "Yes, obviously.")[
“I’ll try some, if that’s alright?”
Of course it is. You don’t feel much like eating.
You’re in the mood to hear a good story, though.]
(click: "You’re in the mood to hear a good story, though.")[
[["Ah, a story?"->fstory]]]](if: $story is true)[Mr. Rabbit, like you, seems too tired to talk.
[[Back.-> fdock]]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/lrK59E00q6Z2KGtTB9rQH0zh0xeTcQQD" autoplay>(opacity: 0)[is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left](either: "You wonder why soft foods get hard when stale, but hard foods get soft. (An unfortunate encounter with a bag of chips that you misread the expiration date of brought this question to your mind.)","A porridge and a smoothie are both thick liquids which may contain solid chunks. They are both meant for human consumption. A smoothie is a drink, so a porridge is a drink too.","Your head is a little too foggy to think much right now.","Some words in Mandarin are derived from English, only expressed in Chinese characters. Some people who don’t know certain words in Mandarin may attempt to use English words converted to Mandarin sounds to express themselves. It would be pretty unfortunate to talk about muffins if you didn’t have the Mandarin word for it.","You're hungry, but not in the way that you want something to eat.","Something hurts.","You wonder where that pleasant smell is coming from.")
[[Back.-> fdock]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/TLuRAd7C76tmGTHbph02EPY8tbcxq1Ar" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/BBNfKBN/IMG-8966.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
You’re too tired to look at the town much.
(if: $food is true)[[[Back.-> fdock]]](if: $music is true)[[[Back.->mdocks]]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/uq8g6MPfl76R4654UqiAB8qWcIdlR4zv" autoplay>I don’t think you’re familiar with all too much, but I’m also unfamiliar with to what extent your experiences lie. There isn’t much I’d reckon anyone knows about you at all, really– apologies in advance.
To start us off, I’ll play it safe– here’s a story I know you repeat to yourself whenever you’re feeling like bringing the cheer up a little.
I only remember it well because you repeated it quite often to yourself on that boat trip not too long ago. You tend to retell it quite a bit under stress, I think.
…Of course, you’re the protagonist. I’ll be telling it through your perspeective, for authenticity’s sake.
It was back on a cold June day that the family car broke down and I had to walk my way back home from school. I was in the last month of my dull senior year and about to graduate with no real accomplishment to my name– insofar that no further details were worth mentioning. It was raining– not hard, but just enough that it warranted my use of a cumbersome umbrella with rust gathering at the ends of the pole.
I sat down on a grey metal bench. There were hardly any cars at the intersection and no real reason for me to wait, but the weather and my mood meant I had little energy to walk the entirety of the trip without stopping for breaks. As I waited for the right moment to come where I would continue, my gaze caught hold of a small grey cat standing under the same bus shelter where I took cover. The wind blew a few leaves that clung onto his wet fur, and he stretched his bare neck out at the traffic, then at me.
“I don’t have any food,” I told him. Understanding me, he left and crossed the road and sauntered towards an old fishmonger at his stand.
Selling goods at stands had become an outdated practice. First, there was a general distrust in the populace of the town of salespeople who couldn’t afford to rent out a more permanent facility; second, it left you and your merchandise at the mercy of the skies. I could tell, of course, that the fishmonger didn’t make much, but the cat was still drawn towards him.
The cat sat down in front of the stand’s rotting frontboard. Without saying a word or making any indication of surprise, the old man took a slice of pickerel so thin it looked almost transparent, glistening in what little sun was out, and tossed it at the cat. Upon noticing the cat’s immediate attraction to and devouring of the pickerel, the old man sliced another handful and tossed it again at the cat. Their back-and-forth continued until there was no more fish on the old man’s stand, to which then the man packed all of what he could carry and left. When the old man was gone, the cat left as well.
My town laid across the edge of the sea and was dense with harbours and marinas, and most kept themselves alive selling their fishing catches. The yield that year, though, had sharply dipped and was at the decade’s low, and it was difficult to catch much of anything decent.
For almost the entire exchange between the man and the cat, I was a bystander. Even still, the memory brought me an odd sense of serenity every time I recalled it.
[[Continue. -> fdock]](set: $story to true)<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/t3dL3ZFs2eqtQSiW0gtLQ6q2m3VnKhV7" autoplay>You reach out and try to pick up a trumpet, but stop just short of the sign.
You can’t use it– it says no touching!
(Besides, you wouldn’t want to leave behind any fingerprints or anything.)
[[Back. ->a music shop.]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/cORLGztadoY5UCagNYA4dhpZWGc8x3Nc" autoplay>These triangles must be free– you’re allowed to touch them, after all.
You pick up the smallest triangle on the rack and strike it a few times.
You notice it didn’t ring, but there’s no one around to corroborate your observation.
[[Return to the docks. ->mdocks]](set: $music to true, $tired to true)(set: $musthing to "triangle")<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/cORLGztadoY5UCagNYA4dhpZWGc8x3Nc" autoplay>You’re having trouble understanding the seemingly random array of black dots on lines. You’re not even sure what instrument this is for (but from what little experience you had, it was most likely for the piano– at the very least, it was usable for the piano).
Regardless, you’re sure that you’d be able to make sense of it if you tried at it hard enough.
[[Return to the docks. ->mdocks]](set: $music to true, $tired to true)(set: $musthing to "piece of sheet music")<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/cORLGztadoY5UCagNYA4dhpZWGc8x3Nc" autoplay>You pick up the little box. You remember you tried to use something like it as a tape dispenser to less than desirable results.
The white sticker labeled “CONCERT RECORDIGNS” (sic) on the black plastic had collected a fair amount of dust under its corners.
You didn’t have any device to use the cassette with, but you took it with you anyway.
[[Return to the docks. ->mdocks]](set: $music to true, $tired to true)(set: $musthing to "cassette")<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/cORLGztadoY5UCagNYA4dhpZWGc8x3Nc" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/XzL1XXr/IMG-8944.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
(if: visits is 1)[You shambled back to the pier, the floor beneath your feet crackling like a vinyl record.
]You must’ve spent a lot more time meandering about the town and in the shop than your instinct told you– a deep orange was beginning to crawl into the sky from the edge of the horizon.
Your hands were already sore and stiff from holding the $musthing for so long.
Mr. Rabbit looks at you.
(if: visits is 1)[You get the feeling that something bad, or at the very least nothing good, is going to happen.](if: visits > 1)[An odd sense of hopelessness washes over you.]
You think you’ll…
(if: $musthing is "triangle")[[Talk to Mr. Rabbit. ->mtalkt]](if: $musthing is "cassette")[[Talk to Mr. Rabbit. ->mtalkc]](if: $musthing is "piece of sheet music")[[Talk to Mr. Rabbit. ->mtalks]]
[[Take a good look at the town. ->town1]]
[[Sit down and collect your thoughts. ->mthoughts]]
(if: $story is true)[[[End the day. You're tired.-> endday]]](if: visits is 1)[<audio autoplay><source src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/WEfOH1a6Pibi5Ep3p7SeII3tsGaBKf72" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/kyay5cDNHqlWJMWtJ5vq5QHRTPejp2Lo" autoplay>I don’t think you’re familiar with all too much, but I’m also unfamiliar with to what extent your experiences lie. There isn’t much I’d reckon anyone knows about you at all, really– apologies in advance.
To start us off, I’ll play it safe– here’s a story I know you repeat to yourself whenever you’re feeling like bringing the cheer up a little.
I only remember it well because you repeated it quite often to yourself on that boat trip not too long ago. You tend to retell it quite a bit under stress, I think.
…Of course, you’re the protagonist. I’ll be telling it through your perspeective, for authenticity’s sake.
It was back on a cold June day that the family car broke down and I had to walk my way back home from school. I was in the last month of my dull senior year and about to graduate with no real accomplishment to my name– insofar that no further details were worth mentioning. It was raining– not hard, but just enough that it warranted my use of a cumbersome umbrella with rust gathering at the ends of the pole.
I sat down on a grey metal bench. There were hardly any cars at the intersection and no real reason for me to wait, but the weather and my mood meant I had little energy to walk the entirety of the trip without stopping for breaks. As I waited for the right moment to come where I would continue, my gaze caught hold of a small grey cat standing under the same bus shelter where I took cover. The wind blew a few leaves that clung onto his wet fur, and he stretched his bare neck out at the traffic, then at me.
“I don’t have anything for you,” I told him. Understanding me, he left and crossed the road and sauntered towards an old violinist, playing to earn whatever loose change people kept in their pockets.
People often weren’t interested in roadside entertainment. First, there was, in general, a lack of skill in whoever couldn’t charge a decent fee to play at a bar or café; second, the ambience of the town tended to drown the music out. I could tell, of course, that the violinist didn’t make much, but the cat was still drawn towards him.
The cat sat down in front of the violinist’s battered plastic chair. Without saying a word or making any indication of surprise, the old man looked at the cat and pulled out sheets for a certain piece. Upon noticing the cat’s ears immediately straighten and cup forward, the man began to play. Their back-and-forth continued until the cat began to rest his head peacefully on the concrete and fall asleep, to which then the man packed his instrument in its case that held a little handful of coins and left. When the old man was gone, the cat woke up and left as well.
Musicianship in my town wasn’t unheard of– but it was uncommon. We lived in a hotspot for fishing and boating, so a good fraction of jobs that didn’t pertain to the sea whatsoever would’ve been seen as throwing away one’s life. Passion wasn’t dead though, I suppose.
For almost the entire exchange between the man and the cat, I was a bystander. Even still, the memory brought me an odd sense of serenity every time I recalled it.
[[Continue. ->mdocks]](set: $story to true)<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/t3dL3ZFs2eqtQSiW0gtLQ6q2m3VnKhV7" autoplay>(either: "Your head is a little too foggy to think much right now.","Something hurts.","The sound of the waves is nice.","Couldn’t the triangle instrument have been any other shape? Why a triangle?","The town feels a little quiet.","You wonder if we’ll ever start running out of new music to write. All the genres that recently started to get popular quells your fear a little, though. It’s interesting how broad of a definition “music” can have.","How many unique chord progressions does the average composer use? You can get so many different tunes with the same progression.")
[[Back.->mdocks]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/TLuRAd7C76tmGTHbph02EPY8tbcxq1Ar3" autoplay>“Ah, well. Let me know if you decide on something else.”
[[I changed my mind– yes. ->a bakery.]]
[[Return to the docks.-> docks]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/kyay5cDNHqlWJMWtJ5vq5QHRTPejp2Lo" autoplay>“Ah, well. Let me know if you decide on something else.”
[[I changed my mind– yes. ->a music shop.]]
[[Return to the docks.-> docks]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/kyay5cDNHqlWJMWtJ5vq5QHRTPejp2Lo" autoplay>You fell asleep on the pier and had an uneventful night.
(if: $food is true)[[[DAY 2.->f2]]](if: $music is true)[[[DAY 2.->m2]]](set: $seewood to false)(set: $simple to true)(set: $fun to false)(set:$declines to "0")(set: $visited to false)(set: $day2 to true)<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/yPfCfjqIHmnwuxr05xPNNRlmg4Lx7nQx" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/h9NybTh/IMG-8971.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
(set: $day2 to true)(if: $seewood is false)[The fog from the the first morning thickened, and grounded a frigid chill along with itself. A dim light seeped under the thick cover of clouds.(if: visits is 1)[
You lift yourself from the damp floor. You notice you’re feeling a lot lighter.]
A dryness lingers in your mouth.
Your visibility thinned out past two metres, but from the distance you could make out a small collection of objects floating in the sea and crashing against the shore.
Mr. Rabbit faces you, and his presence feels more familiar to you than it did a day ago. (You realized that you aren’t sure if he’s looking at you or away– you might be standing in his blind spot.)
“Morning, $name. Craving another $bread?”
You look around as if you’re searching for something you lost. You want to…
[[Investigate the shore.->fshore]]
[[Talk to Mr. Rabbit.->2ftalk]]
[[Visit the town.->2ftown]]
[[Sit down and collect your thoughts.->2fthoughts]]
(set: $rabbring to false)](if: $seewood is true)[(if: $justgotback is true)[You leave your piece of wood under a bench.
(click-append: "leave your piece of wood under a bench.")[
The fog from the the first morning thickened, and grounded a frigid chill along with itself. A dim light seeped under the thick cover of clouds.
A dryness lingers in your mouth.
Mr. Rabbit is lost in thought, studying the piece of wood.
You aren’t sure what you want to do. You want to…
[[Investigate the shore.->fshore]]
[[Talk to Mr. Rabbit.->2ftalk]]
[[Visit the town.->2ftown]]
[[Sit down and collect your thoughts.->2fthoughts]]
(if: $askcare is true and $seewood is true)[[[End the day. You're tired.->penultimate]]]
(set: $rabbring to false)(set:$justgotback to false)]](if: $justgotback is false)[Your piece of wood is still sitting under a bench. You don’t think anyone else would notice it.
The fog from the the first morning thickened, and grounded a frigid chill along with itself. A dim light seeped under the thick cover of clouds.
A dryness lingers in your mouth.
Mr. Rabbit is lost in thought, studying the piece of wood.
You aren’t sure what you want to do. You want to…
[[Investigate the shore.->fshore]]
[[Talk to Mr. Rabbit.->2ftalk]]
[[Visit the town.->2ftown]]
[[Sit down and collect your thoughts.->2fthoughts]]
(if: $askcare is true and $seewood is true)[[[End the day. You're tired.->penultimate]]](set: $rabbring to false)]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/pmtCcT6CydETHxBoo7DUWmannk366rff3" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/h9NybTh/IMG-8971.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
(set: $day2 to true)(if: $seewood is false)[The fog from the the first morning thickened, and grounded a frigid chill along with itself. A dim light seeped under the thick cover of clouds.(if: visits is 1)[
You lift yourself from the damp floor. You notice you’re feeling a lot lighter.]
An unpleasant ringing lingers in your ears.
Your visibility thinned out past two metres, but from the distance you could make out a small collection of objects floating in the sea and crashing against the shore.
Mr. Rabbit faces you, and his presence feels more familiar to you than it did a day ago. (You realized that you aren’t sure if he’s looking at you or away– you might be standing in his blind spot.)
“Morning, $name. Wanting to play with another $musthing?”
You look around as if you’re searching for something you lost. You want to…
[[Investigate the shore.->mshore]]
[[Talk to Mr. Rabbit.->2mtalk]]
[[Visit the town.->2mtown]]
[[Sit down and collect your thoughts.->2mthoughts]]
(set: $rabbring to false)](if: $seewood is true)[(if: $justgotback is true)[You leave your piece of wood under a bench.
(click-append: "leave your piece of wood under a bench.")[
The fog from the the first morning thickened, and grounded a frigid chill along with itself. A dim light seeped under the thick cover of clouds.
An unpleasant ringing lingers in your ears.
Mr. Rabbit is lost in thought, studying the piece of wood.
You aren’t sure what you want to do. You want to…
[[Investigate the shore.->mshore]]
[[Talk to Mr. Rabbit.->2mtalk]]
[[Visit the town.->2mtown]]
[[Sit down and collect your thoughts.->2mthoughts]]
(if: $askcare is true and $seewood is true)[[[End the day. You're tired.->penultimate]]]
(set: $rabbring to false)(set:$justgotback to false)]](if: $justgotback is false)[Your piece of wood is still sitting under a bench. You don’t think anyone else would notice it.
The fog from the the first morning thickened, and grounded a frigid chill along with itself. A dim light seeped under the thick cover of clouds.
An unpleasant ringing lingers in your ears.
Mr. Rabbit is lost in thought, studying the piece of wood.
You aren’t sure what you want to do. You want to…
[[Investigate the shore.->mshore]]
[[Talk to Mr. Rabbit.->2mtalk]]
[[Visit the town.->2mtown]]
[[Sit down and collect your thoughts.->2mthoughts]]
(if: $askcare is true and $seewood is true)[[[End the day. You're tired.->penultimate]]](set: $rabbring to false)]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/pmtCcT6CydETHxBoo7DUWmannk366rff" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/0nrTxKJ/IMG-8940.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">(if: $story is false)[Mr. Rabbit notices your new possession.
“What do you have there, $name? A $musthing?”
Yes, obviously.
(click: "Yes, obviously.")[
“Decided to stick to the favourite from 3rd grade, eh?”
You guess so. The triangle doesn’t work, though.]
(click: "You guess so. The triangle doesn’t work, though.")[
“Can I try it?”
Sure. You’re a little too tired for music at the moment.
You’re in the mood to hear a good story, though.]
(click: "You’re in the mood to hear a good story, though.")[
[["Ah, a story?"->mstory]]]](if: $story is true)[Mr. Rabbit, like you, seems too tired to talk.
[[Back.->mdocks]]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/lrK59E00q6Z2KGtTB9rQH0zh0xeTcQQD" autoplay>(opacity: 0)[is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left]<img src="https://i.ibb.co/0nrTxKJ/IMG-8940.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">(if: $story is false)[Mr. Rabbit notices your new possession.
“What do you have there, $name? A $musthing?”
Yes, obviously.
(click: "Yes, obviously.")[
“Did you ever manage to put back the weird tape before Mom caught you?”
No, and your mother was horrified at the aftermath.]
(click: "No, and your mother was horrified at the aftermath.")[
“Mind if I play with this one?”
Sure. You’re a little too tired for music at the moment.
You’re in the mood to hear a good story, though.]
(click: "You’re in the mood to hear a good story, though.")[
[["Ah, a story?"->mstory]]]](if: $story is true)[Mr. Rabbit, like you, seems too tired to talk.
[[Back.->mdocks]]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/lrK59E00q6Z2KGtTB9rQH0zh0xeTcQQD" autoplay>(opacity: 0)[is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left]<img src="https://i.ibb.co/0nrTxKJ/IMG-8940.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">(if: $story is false)[Mr. Rabbit notices your new possession.
“What do you have there, $name? A $musthing?”
Yes, obviously.
(click: "Yes, obviously.")[
“Can you even read this?”
(click: "No.")[
“Mind if I take a look?”
Sure. You’re a little too tired for music at the moment.
You’re in the mood to hear a good story, though.]
(click: "You’re in the mood to hear a good story, though.")[
[["Ah, a story?"->mstory]]]](if: $story is true)[Mr. Rabbit, like you, seems too tired to talk.
[[Back.->mdocks]]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/lrK59E00q6Z2KGtTB9rQH0zh0xeTcQQD" autoplay>(opacity: 0)[is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left]<img src="https://i.ibb.co/8Xyn8DY/IMG-8972.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
(if: $seewood is false)[(set: $rabbring to true)(if: $declines is "0")[”Have you thought about checking out the shore, $name? No?”
Not really.]
(click: "Not really.")[
“Well, I just thought it might be interesting. Want me to take you there?”
[[You’ll pass.]]]]
(if: $declines is "1")[“I just thought the shore might be interesting, that’s all. I’m sure it’s nothing all that special, so I’ll leave the decision up to you. Do you want to go?”
[[You’ll pass, again.]]]
(if: $declines is "2")[Mr. Rabbit gestures that you're free to make your own decisions.
(if: $visited is false)[[[Back.->f2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[Back.->f3]]]]
(if: $seewood is true)[“You know, $name, there’s a special thing people do where they have that burning desire to leave the world with something– to be of some consequence, I should say. Do you think people are just making themselves miserable? Yes?”
(click: "Yes.")[
“Well, is there at least a rational reason we still do it?”
Probably not.]
(click: "Probably not.")[
“Should we all live for ourselves, then?”
Who knows.]
(click: "Who knows.")[
“Would it be selfish to do that– live for yourself? Well, it’s a little egotistical to want to live with something left of your name too, I suppose.”
(click: "Perhaps.")[
“Do you care about what you’ve left behind?”
[[No.->idc]]]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/UpEGuNCCG56kuwZOCcfGgXsiPZTABiJ6" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/Nj9gHDJ/IMG-8967.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
(if: visits is 1)[“I don’t know if I’m really feeling like hanging around here, especially not with the smell,” a young girl tells her friend.
“Yeah, it bothers me too. You want to fetch a place to eat?”
“I’m in no mood to eat.”
“In the mood to walk around the forest?”
“Not really. There’s a gloominess to it.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t think I can say.”
From across the street, you watched a young man emerge from a building. He held his breath before producing a face mask from his pocket, putting it on, and briskly leaving.
An elderly couple paces across the boardwalk with their heads down.
You decide on going…
[[to the bakery.->bake2]]
[[back to the docks.->f2]]]
(if: visits is > 1)[The town feels too heavy to visit.
(if: $visited is false)[[[Back.->f2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[Back.->f3]]]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/7eNWUfJEqqikpMcptp9EBzsqJiuuu4aZ" autoplay>(if: visits is 1)[You start to feel an odd sort of stress you hadn’t felt before– the stress that comes from not having anything to do.
Purposelessness, you suppose it’s called.
You feel as if you were forced to abandon a post you can’t return to, but there’s no consequence for you now.
How many other people feel this way?<audio loop="" src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1081738987317755994/1111543697696374854/10_.mp3" autoplay>](if: visits is > 1)[(either: "You wonder why soft foods get hard when stale, but hard foods get soft. (An unfortunate encounter with a bag of chips that you misread the expiration date of brought this question to your mind.)","A porridge and a smoothie are both thick liquids which may contain solid chunks. They are both meant for human consumption. A smoothie is a drink, so a porridge is a drink too.","Your head is a little too foggy to think much right now.","Some words in Mandarin are derived from English, only expressed in Chinese characters. Some people who don’t know certain words in Mandarin may attempt to use English words converted to Mandarin sounds to express themselves. It would be pretty unfortunate to talk about muffins if you didn’t have the Mandarin word for it.","You're hungry, but not in the way that you want something to eat.","Something hurts.","It smells awful.","You just remembered you’re terrified of the sea.","It was so cold. It’s still so cold, now.","What?","Why?","What’s happening?","You can still taste the salt on your tongue."
)<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/TLuRAd7C76tmGTHbph02EPY8tbcxq1Ar" autoplay>]
(if: $visited is false)[[[Back.->f2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[Back.->f3]]](if: visits is 1)[You start to feel an odd sort of stress you hadn’t felt before– the stress that comes from not having anything to do.
Purposelessness, you suppose it’s called.
You feel as if you were forced to abandon a post you can’t return to, but there’s no consequence for you now.
How many other people feel this way?<audio loop="" src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1081738987317755994/1111543697696374854/10_.mp3" autoplay>](if: visits is > 1)[(either: "Your head is a little too foggy to think much right now.","Something hurts.","You can hear the flies buzz.","Couldn’t the triangle instrument have been any other shape? Why a triangle?","The town feels a little quiet.","You wonder if we’ll ever start running out of new music to write. All the genres that recently started to get popular quells your fear a little, though. It’s interesting how broad of a definition “music” can have.","How many unique chord progressions does the average composer use? You can get so many different tunes with the same progression.","You just remembered you’re terrified of the sea.","It was so cold. It’s still so cold, now.","What?","Why?","What’s happening?","You can still feel the pressure in your ears.")<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/TLuRAd7C76tmGTHbph02EPY8tbcxq1Ar" autoplay>]
(if: $visited is false)[[[Back.->m2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[Back.->m3]]]<img src="https://i.ibb.co/1TT1qH0/IMG-8964.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
(if: $rabbring is true)[Mr. Rabbit walks with you down to the shore. (if: $seewood is false)[He seems nervous, yet intrigued.]](if: $seewood is false)[
You make your way down to the edge of the sea, past the crust of barnacled rocks and and littered sand.
A piece of wood the length of your forearm floats among a small pool of debris.
You pick up the piece of wood.
(click-append: "pick up the piece of wood.")[
It’s lacquered and engraved, but whatever text was on it before has long since washed away. Along the wood’s smooth length were jagged edges– it must’ve broken off of something important.
You bring the wood along with you and (if: $visited is false)[[[leave.->m2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[leave.->m3]]](set: $seewood to true)(set:$justgotback to true)]
(if: $seewood is true)[Nothing noteworthy left.
(if: $visited is false)[[[Back.->m2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[Back.->m3]]]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/WSnvCBDU1ma4M1Iw9jqC46uw1qIlbSCb" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/1TT1qH0/IMG-8964.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
(if: $rabbring is true)[Mr. Rabbit walks with you down to the shore. (if: $seewood is false)[He seems nervous, yet intrigued.]](if: $seewood is false)[
You make your way down to the edge of the sea, past the crust of barnacled rocks and and littered sand.
A piece of wood the length of your forearm floats among a small pool of debris.
You pick up the piece of wood.
(click-append: "pick up the piece of wood.")[
It’s lacquered and engraved, but whatever text was on it before has long since washed away. Along the wood’s smooth length were jagged edges– it must’ve broken off of something important.
You bring the wood along with you and (if: $visited is false)[[[leave.->f2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[leave.->f3]]](set: $seewood to true)(set:$justgotback to true)]
(if: $seewood is true)[Nothing noteworthy left.
(if: $visited is false)[[[Back.->f2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[Back.->f3]]]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/WSnvCBDU1ma4M1Iw9jqC46uw1qIlbSCb" autoplay>A “SORRY, WE’RE CLOSED” sign hung faithfully from the handle of the bakery door. You push your way in anyway, and nobody notices to stop you.
You sit down between the shelves of bread and desserts, lie down and breathe in. Taking in the sights and smells, you decide to…
[[eat something.]]
[[bake something.]](set: $visited to true)(if: visits is 1)[<audio autoplay><source src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1081738987317755994/1112851463056658462/dooropen2.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/6XC2mBydSQqkvkYlc3dUTJ3iis92ndNO" autoplay>(if: $simple is true)[You pick up a piece of sliced bread and eat it without toasting it. You still aren't satisfied.
(click-append: "aren't satisfied.")[
You intently make your way towards the $bread batches, and before you know it, the shelves are empty.(set: $simple to false)
[[Head back to the docks.->f3]]
[[Keep exploring the bakery.->bake2]]]]
(if: $simple is false)[You aren’t hungry.
[[Head back to the docks.->f3]]
[[Keep exploring the bakery.->bake2]]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/Gkm8QKV7lgbjVc0lVYKlPKqK5MATn14V" autoplay>You decide to try your hand at baking something yourself.
You walk past the counter into the “EMPLOYEES ONLY” section, and open the door up to a grey kitchen lined with frozen shelves of dough.
You pick up a mound of dough and feel the oddly familiar texture in your hands as it sags into your grip. After feeling it around, you toss it into the oven (without first adding a baking sheet) and turn the oven on.
(click: "turn the oven on.")[
You wait.]
(click: "You wait.")[
You wait some more.]
(click: "You wait some more.")[
You smell something burning.
[[Flee the scene.->f3]](set:$fun to true)]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/TS62DelylIIsW48tSFQzDJSO1m3CxlFZ" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/h9NybTh/IMG-8971.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
(if: visits is 1)[You run all the way back to the docks and pray nobody saw you. Mr. Rabbit looks at you inquisitively.
(if: $fun is true)[“Woah there $name, why the hurry?”](if: $fun is false)["You look a little unwell, $name. What’s the matter?”]
]You sit down on the bench and let out a quiet sigh. The faint smell of sea salt and kelp settles in your nose.
Along with the sea, you smell something sour.
(if: $seewood is false)[Your visibility thinned out past two metres, but from the distance you could make out a small collection of objects floating in the sea and crashing against the shore.](if: $seewood is true)[Your piece of wood is still sitting under a bench. You don’t think anyone else would notice it.]
You’re burnt out, but you think you want to…
[[Investigate the shore.->fshore]]
[[Talk to Mr. Rabbit.->2ftalk]]
[[Visit the town.->2ftown]]
[[Sit down and collect your thoughts.->2fthoughts]]
(if: $askcare is true and $seewood is true)[[[End the day. You're tired.->penultimate]]](if: visits is 1)[<audio autoplay><source src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/LVVK1p5YqJmTZcgf3vgeRxoNQUuOY5GQ" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/pmtCcT6CydETHxBoo7DUWmannk366rff" autoplay>“Well, I won’t pressure you further, then.”
(if: $visited is false)[[[Continue.->f2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[Continue.->f3]]](set: $declines to "1")<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/pmtCcT6CydETHxBoo7DUWmannk366rff" autoplay>“Again, it’s up to you.”
(if: $visited is false)[[[Continue.->f2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[Continue.->f3]]](set: $declines to "2")<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/pmtCcT6CydETHxBoo7DUWmannk366rff" autoplay>“Oh. Hm. Well I can’t argue with that, then.”
(if: $visited is false)[[[Continue.->f2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[Continue.->f3]]](set: $care to true)(set: $askcare to true)<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/pmtCcT6CydETHxBoo7DUWmannk366rff" autoplay>“Oh. Hm. Well I can’t argue with that, then.”
(if: $visited is false)[[[Continue.->f2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[Continue.->f3]]](set: $care to false)(set: $askcare to true)<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/pmtCcT6CydETHxBoo7DUWmannk366rff" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/8Xyn8DY/IMG-8972.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
(if: $seewood is false)[(set: $rabbring to true)(if: $declines is "0")[”Have you thought about checking out the shore, $name? No?”
Not really.]
(click: "Not really.")[
“Well, I just thought it might be interesting. Want me to take you there?”
[[You’ll pass.->mpass]]]]
(if: $declines is "1")[“I just thought the shore might be interesting, that’s all. I’m sure it’s nothing all that special, so I’ll leave the decision up to you. Do you want to go?”
[[You’ll pass, again.->mpass2]]]
(if: $declines is "2")[Mr. Rabbit gestures that you're free to make your own decisions.
(if: $visited is false)[[[Back.->m2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[Back.->m3]]]]
(if: $seewood is true)[“You know, $name, there’s a special thing people do where they have that burning desire to leave the world with something– to be of some consequence, I should say. Do you think people are just making themselves miserable? Yes?”
(click: "Yes.")[
“Well, is there at least a rational reason we still do it?”
Probably not.]
(click: "Probably not.")[
“Should we all live for ourselves, then?”
Who knows.]
(click: "Who knows.")[
“Would it be selfish to do that– live for yourself? Well, it’s a little egotistical to want to live with something left of your name too, I suppose.”
(click: "Perhaps.")[
“Do you care about what you’ve left behind?”
[[No.->midc]]]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/UpEGuNCCG56kuwZOCcfGgXsiPZTABiJ6" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/Nj9gHDJ/IMG-8967.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
(if: visits is 1)[“I don’t know if I’m really feeling like hanging around here, especially not with the smell,” a young girl tells her friend.
“Yeah, it bothers me too. You want to fetch a place to eat?”
“I’m in no mood to eat.”
“In the mood to walk around the forest?”
“Not really. There’s a gloominess to it.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t think I can say.”
From across the street, you watched a young man emerge from a building. He held his breath before producing a face mask from his pocket, putting it on, and briskly leaving.
An elderly couple paces across the boardwalk with their heads down.
You decide on going…
[[to the music shop.->mus2]]
[[back to the docks.->m2]]]
(if: visits is > 1)[The town feels too heavy to visit.
(if: $visited is false)[[[Back.->m2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[Back.->m3]]]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/7eNWUfJEqqikpMcptp9EBzsqJiuuu4aZ" autoplay>“Oh. Hm. Well I can’t argue with that, then.”
(if: $visited is false)[[[Continue.->m2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[Continue.->m3]]](set: $care to true)(set: $askcare to true)<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/pmtCcT6CydETHxBoo7DUWmannk366rff" autoplay>“Oh. Hm. Well I can’t argue with that, then.”
(if: $visited is false)[[[Continue.->m2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[Continue.->m3]]](set: $care to false)(set: $askcare to true)<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/pmtCcT6CydETHxBoo7DUWmannk366rff" autoplay>“Well, I won’t pressure you further, then.”
(if: $visited is false)[[[Continue.->m2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[Continue.->m3]]](set: $declines to "1")<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/pmtCcT6CydETHxBoo7DUWmannk366rff" autoplay>“Again, it’s up to you.”
(if: $visited is false)[[[Continue.->m2]]](if: $visited is true)[[[Continue.->m3]]](set: $declines to "2")<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/pmtCcT6CydETHxBoo7DUWmannk366rff" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/h9NybTh/IMG-8971.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
(if: visits is 1)[You run all the way back to the docks and pray nobody saw you. Mr. Rabbit looks at you inquisitively.
(if: $fun is true)[“Woah there $name, why the hurry?”](if: $fun is false)["You look a little unwell, $name. What’s the matter?”]
]You sit down on the bench and let out a quiet sigh. The gentle beating of the ocean waves forms a rhythm in your heart.
Faintly, you hear the sound of flies.
(if: $seewood is false)[Your visibility thinned out past two metres, but from the distance you could make out a small collection of objects floating in the sea and crashing against the shore.](if: $seewood is true)[Your piece of wood is still sitting under a bench. You don’t think anyone else would notice it.]
You’re burnt out, but you think you want to…
[[Investigate the shore.->mshore]]
[[Talk to Mr. Rabbit.->2mtalk]]
[[Visit the town.->2mtown]]
[[Sit down and collect your thoughts.->2mthoughts]]
(if: $askcare is true and $seewood is true)[[[End the day. You're tired.->penultimate]]](if: visits is 1)[<audio autoplay><source src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/LVVK1p5YqJmTZcgf3vgeRxoNQUuOY5GQ" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/pmtCcT6CydETHxBoo7DUWmannk366rff" autoplay>A “SORRY, WE’RE CLOSED” sign hung faithfully from the handle of the music shop door. You push your way in anyway, and nobody notices to stop you.
You sit down between the mess of instruments and cassette tapes, lie down and breathe in. Taking in the sights and sounds, you decide to…
[[listen to something.]]
[[make some music.]](set: $visited to true)(if: visits is 1)[<audio autoplay><source src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1081738987317755994/1112851463056658462/dooropen2.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/6XC2mBydSQqkvkYlc3dUTJ3iis92ndNO" autoplay>(if: $simple is true)[You pick up the first cassette tape you see and put it in the player without reading the label.
(click-append: "put it in the player without reading the label.")[
The worst “music” you’ve ever heard begins to permeate the area, but at least it’s something.(set: $simple to false)
[[Head back to the docks.->m3]]
[[Keep exploring the shop.->mus2]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/eXu9ymdc8oFRLLb1xyVr3MWH59uURlaA" autoplay>]]
(if: $simple is false)[As amusing as that experience was, you are never listening to that tape again.
[[Head back to the docks.->m3]]
[[Keep exploring the shop.->mus2]]]You decide to try your hand at making some music yourself.
You walk over to the pile of instruments and pick up a bongo and some sheet music clearly not meant for a bongo.
(click: "pick up a bongo and some sheet music clearly not meant for a bongo.")[
Feeling its smooth membrane in your hand, you begin to beat the drum.]
(click: "begin to beat the drum.")[
It made an unsatisfying sound. You decide to beat it harder to see if it would work better.]
(click: "beat it harder to see if it would work better.")[
You hear a tearing sound, and then sound stops coming out of the drum.
[[Flee the scene.->m3]](set:$fun to true)]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/TS62DelylIIsW48tSFQzDJSO1m3CxlFZ" autoplay>You fell asleep on the docks and had a nightmare.
[[A very, very long nightmare.]]<audio loop="" src="LINK" autoplay>From the edge of the forest you can make out the vague shape of a huge worm.
[[WAKE UP.]](set: $day2 to false)<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/7oCBsu3To2j9OEkLLYMr6A7hzYLdi7on" autoplay>It wiggles and beckons you towards it.
[[WAKE UP.->w1]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/a9YLGs2MDYjI5R4GFeWF0cJ8NwDSCaT7" autoplay>The worm leads you to the opening of a long, serpentine path winding into the forest.
[[WAKE UP.->w2]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/qKZtMjJLLR7tHjPicT02WkJL9QJ6Y5ft" autoplay>As you drift down the path, it thins out as the encircling trees thicken.
[[YOU CANNOT WAKE UP.]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/gaXRCiidfpAwh4hpK3BrhDxzF6K67EO8" autoplay>The worm leads you into a small clearing in the forest.
In front of you is a little crowd.
“We are assembled here today to…”
(click: "today to…")[
The words blur in the air. The thickening silence presses down.
“...through the good and bad times, our beloved…”]
(click: "our beloved…")[
An older woman in the crowd presents a box of keepsakes the size of her shrinking palm.
$b[“...dear child, student, and friend…”]]
(click: "friend…")[
The woman steps forward in front of a pit in the ground.
$b[“I know it’s not much…”]]
(click: "not much…")[
She chokes for a second as she lowers the box into the ground.
$bb[“...but it’s all we have left of $name.”]]
(click: "all we have left of")[
The crowd disperses, revealing behind them a small wooden cross.
[[“GONE, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN.”]]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/tgHKyClpnhr9JpL9jUKS3sZ3M6MvF3JL" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/jfcdC9Y/IMG-8965.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
(opacity: 0)[is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left]
[[to the town]]
[[to the shore]]
[[to the forest]]
(if: $forest is true)[[[away->poopman]]](set: $day3 to true)<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/cz2jWq94PtTQTFarJBFCEooti6pJgUNR" autoplay>(if: $music is true)[you cannot block out the sound of flies](if: $food is true)[you cannot hold your breath and ignore the smell]
<img src="https://i.ibb.co/X8bcxrx/IMG-8968.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
(opacity: 0)[is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left]
[[back->“GONE, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN.”]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/cz2jWq94PtTQTFarJBFCEooti6pJgUNR" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/Ptsc0xq/IMG-8961.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
(opacity: 0.1)[i don't want to remember NO DON'T TAKE ME BACK](opacity: 0)[DON'T TAKE ME BACK DON'T TAKE ME BACK DON'T TAKE ME BACK DON'T TAKE ME]
[[back->“GONE, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN.”]]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/kRSIsZOlWIkDxITAuVHm66GbwylEYkV9" autoplay>there’s a hole just your size
<img src="https://i.ibb.co/5hMfgpR/IMG-8980.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto">
(opacity: 0)[is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left is this really all that's left]
[[back->“GONE, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN.”]](set: $forest to true)<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/cz2jWq94PtTQTFarJBFCEooti6pJgUNR" autoplay><img src="https://i.ibb.co/qdnxCbv/ezgif-com-gif-maker-5.gif" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="100%" height="auto"><p style="text-align: center;">(t8n: 'fade-up')+(t8n-delay: 1s)+(t8n-time: 2s)[(set: $day3 to false)(set: $end to true)(if: $care is true and $fun is true)[Wondering if there’s any chance for another future, you reluctantly leave.](if: $care is false and $fun is true)[You leave, and you don’t look back.](if: $care is true and $fun is false)[Solid ground disappears right under your feet. You’ll drift here forever.](if: $care is false and $fun is false)[You lie down, and you don’t plan to get up for a very long time.]]</p>
(t8n: 'fade-up')+(t8n-delay: 3s)+(t8n-time: 2s)[<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 36px;">(if: $care is false)[LIFE](if: $care is true)[DEATH] AFTER</span></p>]
<p style="text-align: center;">(t8n: 'fade-up')+(t8n-delay: 6s)+(t8n-time: 2s)[Built with Twine]
(t8n: 'fade-up')+(t8n-delay: 8s)+(t8n-time: 2s)[Written, programmed, and illustrated by Marley Rose]
(t8n: 'fade-up')+(t8n-delay: 10s)+(t8n-time: 2s)[Randy Joe modeled for Mr. Rabbit]
(t8n: 'fade-up')+(t8n-delay: 12s)+(t8n-time: 2s)[All stock images from Pexels or Unsplash, edited by Marley Rose]
(t8n: 'fade-up')+(t8n-delay: 14s)+(t8n-time: 2s)[Music used:
高速道路 DREAMS - northbound 10 21, distant transmissions, radio towers leaning over the road, creeping transmissions, towered bridgepark nightmare
EtheReal Media - Transmission, Propagation, Baseband Signal, Parabolic Reflector
radio fields - evening forecast, window shopping, cigar smoke
carpet dust - cut signals, boutique, local, market
national network - nocturnal depression
ESIAFI 1 - 丢失信号
4departing4 - tape 18
鬱 - ・薔薇・, ・・・就職・・・
░計◈画░ - ⌭⌭ユニコード⋤╳ゴミ◛☑, 『★家☆か☆ら☆離☆れ☆て★』, ⁎⁑出来事⁑, 永遠にさようなら
Stock sound effects from Pixabay]
(t8n: 'fade-up')+(t8n-delay: 22s)+(t8n-time: 2s)[Special thanks to teachers, playtesters, and you! (You may come up twice on this list, sorry)]</p>
(t8n: 'fade-up')+(t8n-delay: 25s)+(t8n-time: 3s)[<p style="text-align: center;">(if: $care is true and $fun is true)[There's an ache that won't go away.](if: $care is false and $fun is true)[It's peaceful here.](if: $care is true and $fun is false)[I guess there really is nothing left.](if: $care is false and $fun is false)[It's quiet here.]</p>]<audio loop="" src="https://audio.jukehost.co.uk/lhrL3orWrd2YPrCNL33M2Wt9mBB184mJ" autoplay>(enchant:?passage,
(b4r:'solid') +
(color:white) +
(b4r-color:gray) +
(b4r-size:1) +
(corner-radius: 16) +
(font:'roboto-mono') +
(size:7/8) +
(text-style:'expand') +
(b4r:'solid') +
(color:white) +
(b4r-color:gray) +
(b4r-size:1) +
(t8n-depart:'fade-down') +
(corner-radius: 4) +
(hover-style: (color:white) + (b4r-color:white))
)(set: $b to (text-style: "blur"))(set: $bb to (text-style: "blurrier"))(if: $day2 is true)[(enchant:?passage,
(opacity: 0.75) +(bg:'https://i.ibb.co/8smbDYR/360-F-127477092-v8z-Gn-Fea-K0-I1o-Sv-YVV66-NFd-Rlg-EUNYo8.jpg'))](if: $day3 is true)[(enchant:?passage,
(opacity: 0.5) +(bg:'https://i.ibb.co/dJMFK4V/Untitled1252-20230525235803.jpg'))](if: $end is true)[(enchant:?passage,
(bg:'https://i.ibb.co/pWFqSmb/endbkg.png'))]testing testing 123
take a good shit
(click: "take a good shit")[
you've taken a very nice dump.
take a good piss
(click: "take a good piss")[
you've taken a very nice piss]
take a good fart
(click: "take a good fart")[
such relief]
do the laundry
(click: "do the laundry")[
your clothes are now clean]
pet randy
(click: "pet randy")[
[[shit]]<audio autoplay><source src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1081738987317755994/1112851462712733797/dooropen1.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>
<hr>(set: $food to true) (set: $story to false) [[ftalk]](set: $name to (prompt: "The only thing you remember-- your name.", ""))
[[Wake up. -> docks]]